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After all the argument Mun was going back home when Gwi-nam pulled her inside a room.

Mun: Ya, you bastard! Leave me.

Gwi-nam: Princess! I will leave you, but after telling you something.

Mun: I don't want to hear. (She said struggling)

Gwi-nam: And what if it's about Ji-Soo-Heon.

As soon as she heard his name, she stopped struggling.

Gwi-nam: I knew, his name is gonna work.

Mun: Shut up!! And tell me what do you have to tell about him?

Gwi-nam: Actually it was Ji-Soo-Heon who beat me up this badly, but he was your friend so I thought of playing with both of you.

Mun: What!!

Gwi-nam: Yes, it was Ji-Soo-Heon. See you accepted that slap for him who don't even think you as his friend, if he would have then he would tell the truth infront of everyone but he didn't. One side friendship! I feel pity for you. (Saying that he walks away from there, leaving her alone)

Mun got so angry that she directly went searching for Ji-Soo-Heon. After sometime she found him sitting on the garden's bench.

Mun: How can you sit here so peacefully? (She said in an angry tone)

Ji-Soo-Heon didn't said anything and tried to walk away but Mun stopped him.

Mun: Because of you my dad slapped me and you are acting as if nothing has happened. You are the reason.

Ji-Soo-Heon: What are you trying to say?

Mun: What am I trying to say! You were the one who beat Gwi-nam but I got the punishment while you just stood there without saying anything. Why? Did you like to see me suffering this much!!

Ji-Soo-Heon: It's not like that, it's a misunderstanding.

Mun: okay then, tell me did you beat him after I went away from there?

Ji-Soo-Heon: listen---

Mun: Yes or No

Ji-Soo-Heon: Yes, I did but---

Mun: No but Ji-Soo-Heon, all this time I was thinking that it was my fault, I tried my best to make our friendship work. But you... All this time I was the victim but you pretend it to be yourself when you were NOT...GOD DAMNIT.... (She screamed)

Ji-Soo-Heon also started to get angry because of the false allegation so he started to scream too.

Ji-Soo-Heon: STOP IT... Are you out of your mind!! I never tried to become a victim and let me tell you. Yes, I did beat him but not this harshly. I just punched him once and that punch was enough to black out him. Understood. And you tried to work the friendship... You.. are you kidding me!!! After you went away do you even know what happened with me and my family? It was all your fault. You are just a selfish person. I just hate you... You and your dad are the same...who knows how to blame others without any reason.

Saying that he walks away from there.

All the things he told to Mun was ranging in her head continuously.
She felt down in the ground and started crying and even the rain started to pour down.

Mun: I am so stupid!! How can I believe Gwi-nam... Ji-Soo-Heon is right I am the most selfish person.. (She cried thinking it to herself)

At Mun's house

Mun was sitting in her bed while her tears were flowing down constantly and even she didn't tried to stop them.

Y/m knocks the door from outside and says.

Y/m: Mun, look Ji-eun has came to meet you.

Mun wipped her tears and opened the door and let her sister walk in.

Ji-eun: I heard what happened!! Dad shouldn't lift his hand on you.

Mun: Unnie, what happened after I went to America? (She asked out of nowhere)

Ji-eun: What?

Mun: Unnie, you know what I am talking about. Just tell me..

Ji-eun: Mun--

Mun: Unnie, please just tell me.

Ji-eun let a heavy sigh and said..

Ji-eun: Okay, I will tell you everything...but you have to be strong. Promise.

Mun: Yes unnie, Promise.

Ji-eun: Mun you are an illegitimate child.

Mun: WHAT!!! But how-- I mean...

Ji-eun: Mun, calm down and hear me.
After 1 year of Eomma and Appa got married my brother meaning Oppa was borned, after 3 years I was born too and our life was going nicely like a happy family, but everything changed when we found out that Appa raped his secretary in drunken state and she got pregnant with you..

Hearing that Mun eyes started to become teary.

Ji-eun: I was 7 and Oppa was 10 when you were born. Appa was very strict when it came to his reputation so he took your custody and told the media that you the third child..

Mun: And what about my real Eomma? (She said almost cryingly)

Ji-eun: I really don't know... But I have heard that Appa gave her the 25% of his property and asked her to keep quiet.

Ji-eun: And when you turned four, your real eomma came back to take you...and she tried to blackmail Appa. But he took the advantage of being rich and killed her.

Mun gasped hearing it and finally her tears stared to flow.

Ji-eun: And that time Ji-Soo-Heon's dad was a police officer. When he found her dead body he started to investigate it... And when Appa got to knew that you and Ji-Soo-Heon were friends, he got more angry or should I say scared. I don't know what exactly he did but he used his power and made the innocent police officer as the culprit. And after that for 5 years he was send to jail for murdering someone he never knew. And when you turned five, he decided to shift America so that he would be out of controversy and your friendship would broke.

Now Mun was a crying mess. She cried heavily after knowing everything. She hated her dad and her self.

Mun: Unnie, then why did you and Oppa stayed here?

Ji-eun: Mun, Appa is really very clever more than you think. He knew that if he would take his whole family he might be suspected.. so he left me and Oppa here.

Mun: I hate him..

Ji-eun: I hate him too.

Mun: But why do you hate him?

Ji-eun: Mun, as a daughter I love him but as a human I hate him. And for me he is just a rapist and a murder.
Mun, after you all went America.. Ji-Soo-Heon and his family went through lots of things.. People threw stone at them, people called his father a murder, people called his mom a slut and what not things.. their relatives didn't wanted to help them as they didn't wanted to be the next target.. they did everything to survive and after five years they came to Seoul and started a new life.. his father could not get any job due to his criminal record so they opened their own resturant. Mun I don't want to say this but you were there enjoying your life whereas Ji-Soo-Heon and his little sister were struggling everyday to survive.

Saying that she went out of her room crying.
While Mun was freezed hearing everything.
Her tears were continuously flowing.
She felt like the worst person in the whole universe.
She felt that Ji-Soo-Heon was right. She and her father was the same.


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