the goddess pendant and the spell book

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After the events of what happened yesterday Kayla had a lot of thinking to do and she swung the pendant in front of her face looking at its detail

The goddess pendant is able to summon the dead cursed children and use them as ally's and she just pondered to herself "why is this happening to me" Kayla said holding the pendant in her hand

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The goddess pendant is able to summon the dead cursed children and use them as ally's and she just pondered to herself "why is this happening to me" Kayla said holding the pendant in her hand

She felt a connection to the pendant but also felt a connection to the package that Kaien currently had in his office

Kayla's pov

I put the pendant around my neck and hid it inside my shirt and buttoned up my blouse making sure the pendant was fully concealed

I walked out of my bedroom and see ichijo and ruka making me jump in surprise "uh hey guys what's up?" I asked confused

"Is something going on with you Kayla" ruka said ruka is my best friend and I'm not sure if I should tell her or not but I have a feeling I should keep quiet for now

"What makes you say that?" I asked trying not to sound suspicious "you've been acting strangely as of late are you feeling ok?" Ichijo said

"What type of question is that of course I'm ok" I said acting as calmly as possible "if you excuse me I need to go on patrol" I said

I quickly escape their questions and go on to patrol until...

Kaname pulls the back of my uniform collar lifting me off the ground "where are you going Kayla" kaname said my legs dangling while he's lifting me

"On patrol" I said kaname narrowed his eyes then set me down "don't go anywhere your not supposed to" kaname said

I nod and stiffly walk away from him 'kaname has never acted like that before I wonder why he's acting like that?' I thought to myself

Kaname's pov

I want Kayla to stay safe I can't bear having to see my darling Kayla to be in a coma I need to make sure she doesn't put the mask on until it's time

I felt like she's been acting more distant as of late 'she's hiding something from me, I'm going to find out what it is' I thought to myself

I walk into the lounge room and see aido...with the cursed wolf mask!

"Aido where did you even get that" senri said "I found it while I was trying to look for the headmaster to talk about Kayla's weird behavior" Aido said

I stole it from his grasp "hey I just had...that" he gulped when he saw me I hit him in anger and head over to my bedroom

I walk over to my desk and opened a drawer placing the mask inside and closing it up 'I can't let anything bad happen to Kayla I must keep her matter what the cost' I thought to myself as I walk out of my room

Kayla's pov

So usually I don't skip out on patrol but there's so much stress on me so I decided to go into town to try and calm my nerves

I walk into the bookstore and look around then a certain book catches my eye /Legend of the cursed child\ story written by ???

The name was scratched out so I couldn't really see who was the author of the book I skimmed through the book finding a page

I see a picture of a family and wouldn't you know it the picture was Angela M nura with 2 sons and her husband in the picture

The next picture I found was kairi and her husband along with a ton of kids one of which looked like Angela I read the notes under the picture

<Kairi reborn from Angela gets married to the mystery eating demon while her kids are a special case -unknown>

I caught sight of a wolf mask in the picture kairi was holding it I looked back over at the picture with Angela and saw the same mask

I flipped through a couple of pages until I found an article on <The Cursed wolf mask> I saw the picture of the mask and some sort of interest sparked in me I carefully read through the article

<the cursed wolf mask worn by the cursed child during long ago her powers enhanced when the full moon is shown> I read

<However if anyone not with the cursed child blood wears it they will face the penalty of death for the mask itself has a curse if the mask is not worn by it's true owner the person shall die>

<the masks main purpose is to bring back the cursed child's reincarnation until it breaks and the cursed child may live forever>

<if the mask is worn on a night with a red moon the mask will turn black and the cursed magic will be released for a limited time>

I kept reading it trying to understand what it meant <the spells in this book are for the cursed children Kayla kuran and the last cursed child reincarnation who shall Weild all the power>

"Who's the last cursed child?" I asked myself confused and looked at the next page and saw tons of spells for witchcraft it seemed to react to my pendant

I closed the book and walked over to the bookstore manager "Excuse me sir can I have this book" I said "I don't even remember putting that up in stock...but you can take it" the manager said

I went back to the academy and walked up the stairs then the image of the cursed wolf mask crossed my mind as I passed Kaname's room

I gasped feeling the same energy I had felt when I touched the package the woman had given me I held my head and shook it

"You skipped school today" kaname said from behind me making me freeze in place and gulp knowing I was caught

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