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As Ryan got back to work a familiar face came through the door
“Hello welcome“ Ryan stuttered as he saw the guy who was with Angela   come through
The guy smiled at Ryan carried on with his business
“Why did that guy have to come here of all places?!” Ryan thought to himself in a confused and angered manner  
As guy went out the door, Angela was waiting for him
“Sorry took so long” said by the guy
“No, not at all” Angela replied with a smile on her face
As the two walked away Ryan is thinking to himself and staring out the window looking at the two
“What!?? That- that smile was when she’s very happy, does it mean he is her new boyfriend?” Ryan thought in an enraged manner
“RYAN!! What the heck are you doing?” Jeffery said to Ryan
“So-sorry boss, I’ll get back to work” Ryan said with an awkward smile on his face
The day ended, and everyone started going home
“Everyone closing time, see you all tomorrow” Jeffery said to everyone
“Ryan don’t forget to close up shop” Jeffery reminded Ryan
“Yes boss” Ryan said
Everyone went home 
“What a day, who was that guy with Angela?” Ryan thought to himself while walking home  
“Ryan!!” shouted by Jessica
As Ryan is deep in thought, he did not notice Jessica
“Ryan? Ryan? Ryan?” Jessica is saying as she pokes him
“Huh? Wha-what? Jessica?” Ryan said after snapping out  
“Hmmp I was here the whole time” Jessica said with a pouting face
“Sorry didn’t notice” Ryan replied with an awkward smile
“What are you planning on doing this Friday?” Jessica asked
“Nothing, why?” Ryan replied
“Well would you like to have dinner with me? I’ll cook” Jessica said with a big smile on her face
“Ooh really? Well I do miss your cooking…” said by Ryan as contemplating on taking the offer
“pleaseeee” Jessica said with doll eyes to convince Ryan
“Ok I’ll take you up on the offer” Ryan said with a smile 
“yeeeyyy!!” Jessica said in a very happy way
As the two walked home together

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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