The Spectacular Spider-Girl

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'Tell me there's something better.'

A figure ran across buildings, jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

'Go ahead. Try.'

The figure leaped off a rooftop, falling into the sea of lights of New York below.

'How I Spent My Summer Vacation: By Petra Bethany Parker.'

She quickly thwipped out a web, aiming at the side of a building and swung, before thwipping another.

'I can sum it up in one glorious, hyphenated word. Spider-Girl.'

She quickly shot out another web, angling it right so she had enough velocity to fling herself to her destination.

'I am the Spectacular Spider-Girl!'

Petra let go of her web making her fly through the sky, above the buildings. She quickly angled herself right to catch herself as she landed on the rooftop of The Daily Bugle. Petra took off her mask, revealing her secret identity, but she knew no one could ever see her from this high up.

 Petra took off her mask, revealing her secret identity, but she knew no one could ever see her from this high up

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"Hello, New York!" She shouted down at the city below her, feeling a rush of euphoria as she did. "I love this city. Almost as much as my paycheck."

Petra crouched down and grabbed her backpack, reaching inside it before pulling out a bunch of photos of her— er, Spider-Girl.

"Hopefully Jameson actually likes them this time." She mumbled to herself as she put the pictures back inside her bag before pulling out her normal clothes. "Better get changed if I want to get home on—"

She suddenly heard a bank alarm go off, ringing in the distance.

"I guess the paycheck can wait." Petra smirked, pulling her mask back down, and set her bag on the rooftop before leaping off into the city below.

She swung across the city, towards the sound of the alarms, a feeling of excitement rushing through her entire body.

"You sure we can make that jump?" The thug asked his partner as he looked over the ledge and over to the next building.

"Of course we can. I did the math alright? Just one jump to freedom we're set for life!"

"If you guys are really that desperate for money, I'd recommend getting a job. Maybe do some freelancing." A bright light suddenly shined down on the thieves and they turned around and saw Spider-Girl, sticking to the side of a water tank.

"It's Spider-Girl!"

"Get her!"

The robbers pulled out their guns and started shooting at her. She quickly moved out of the way and webbed their guns out of their hands. "Hey now, play fair." She caught the guns as they were flying towards her and crushed them.

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