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Young Rocky pushed his mother's hands

Young Rocky: Why all this for me, Mother? I don't believe in god!

Shanti: You believe me, don't you?

Young Rocky nods as Shanti ties a Talisman

Shanti:  Don't ever lose this

Rocky has tears in his eyes

Reena wiped the tears and kissed his cheek

All felt touched seeing the love of a mother

Rocky is standing in a room and he removed his talisman 

Reena is seen sleeping when she got up she saw the Old talisman in her hand

Reena got up and looked around searching for Rocky but he is not there anywhere

Reena looks at her wrist showing it to Rocky he smiled seeing his Talisman on her wrist he kissed her wrist

Rajendra just sighed knowing Rocky had entered his Home to see His daughter 

Sirius said to Remus "He loves our pup so much he gave only one memory of his mother to our pup showing how much he loves her"

Unknown: Hello

Andrew: Get a map ready

The phone call is cut

As they show someone is getting the map ready and sealing it in a letter and sending it to someone

That person came to Andrew and Daya and gave saying

Unknown#2: The map you asked for

Andrew: Once you go there, our contact will be cut.

Rocky is looking at the map with his mask on.

Andrew: The map in your hand contains only half the information. Once you go there, our contact will be cut.  the map in your hand contains only half the data, You will have to fill in the rest once you get there.

Andrew lit the map

Andrew: Once you get there give us a signal a big one. There is only one way to get there

Trucks are shown driving John got down looking with a predator  look

Andrew: John has sent a truck to a town to catch people like fish in a net. You have to go and get one of those trucks 

All the people start running away but they caught some and pushed them into the truck

Andrew: But before that, there are trained killers surrounding the entire town with barricades, You have to cross them.

Rocky looked up determined and started his bike zooming away

Kashim chacha looking at the street for Shetty

Kashim stopped Shetty's car

Kashim: Sab  Did you find out anything about Rocky?

Shetty: Hey

Goon#1: Hey Chootu! Bring hot tea for Shetty Bhai

As Shetty got down

Dasai Mansion is shown

Reena: Dad ........ where has Rocky gone?

She heard Kamal laugh

Shetty: Since 25 years I have been working with them, I don't know about  him all that well

Unfinished Love Story of King and QueenWhere stories live. Discover now