Chapter 1:The Institution's Embrace

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Alex's heart raced as he sat in the passenger seat of their brothers car, his gaze fixed on the institution's entrance. It was a last resort for him, a place where he hoped his anger issues could finally find a resolution. By his side, in the driver seat sat his older brother, Jonathan, a strong and stoic figure who had always instilled in him the belief that boys don't cry.

Jonathan parked the car, Alex exchanged a nervous look with his brother who looked back, no emotiom on his face before stepping out into the crisp morning air. They walked towards the doors of the institution, their footsteps echoing in the emptiness around them. The world seemed to hold its breath as they entered the unfamiliar territory.

Inside, they were met by a rather young looking man with empathetic eyes and a warm smile. HIS name plate read Ms. Dislodge, the institution's supervisor.

"Welcome, Alex and Jonathan," Mr Dislodge greeted them warmly. "We are happy that you have chosen our institution to help you battle through your issues. Everyone has been awaiting your arrival, let's go inside shall we?"

The air of uncertainty palpable around them, Jonathan placed a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "You got this, Alex," he whispered softly.

Alex nodded, determination flashing in his eyes. He couldn't let his emotions show. It would make him seem weak and that would disappoint his brother. And if there was anything Alex was afraid of, it was disappointing his brother.

Mr. Dislodge guided them to a meeting room, where within its walls, thirteen other boys were waiting. Each one had their own battles to face, their own unique stories etched on their faces.

One by one, Mr. Dislodge introduced them to Alex and Jonathan. There was Ethan, a reserved boy who struggled with self-confidence; Lucas, a creative soul haunted by perfectionism; and Noah, a seemingly fearless daredevil who hid his insecurities behind a mask of bravery.

With each introduction, Alex's started to become slowly more comfortable, the boys while shy, were welcoming. These boys were not just his peers, but potential allies in their shared journey towards self-improvement.

Eventually they all sat down in the living room, the couches were comfortable but Alex noticed the boys seemed to be touchy with each other, he shrugged it off though. Soon, Mr. Dislodge outlined the goals and expectations of the institution, emphasizing the importance of support, understanding, and growth. He emphasized the importance of being  vulnerable with each other that, it was okay to express emotions, like happiness, excitement, even sadness, even if it meant crying.

Alex glanced at Jonathan, who looked deep in thought. It was clear that Mr Dislodge's words challenged the beliefs he had ingrained in Alex for so long and he didnt like it one bit.

Mr. Dislodge then decided it was time for the boys to share their own stories to Alex, so he knew he were not alone, Alex began to observe the stories of his fellow residents unfold. There was Connor, battling anger as a result of his parents' divorce; Liam, coping with the loss of a loved one; and Oliver, who carried the weight of expectations that never seemed to lessen.

Each boy shared their struggles, their vulnerabilities laid bare. It was an atmosphere of acceptance and empathy that Alex had never experienced before. He realized that within the walls of this institution, the boys were not defined by their anger, but by their courage to face and overcome their challenges.

As the session drew to a close, Alex met the gaze of Jordan, a quiet boy with gentle eyes. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a recognition of the battles they both fought in silence. Alex felt a comforting kinship, a connection that transcended words.

Leaving the session, the weight of his anger felt a little less burdensome. The long-held belief the boys shouldnt cry was still in his mind, but he was beginning to doubt it.

With Jonathan's help carrying his luggage, he was escorted to his room. He looked at Jonathan who hugged him so tightly Alex felt as if he couldn't breath, he was shocked but hugged back just as tightly

Jonathan ruffled his hair "make me proud" he said softly and left the room, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts.

He collapsed on the bed immediately, the exhaustion of today hitting like a train as he drifted off the sleep, wondering what would be in store for tommorow

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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