Chapter 16: The ultimate form

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Ice is now in a form that looks like a pacific someone's form.

Ice: Now this IS my ultimate form!!
Cherry: What now!?!?!??

Cherry throws his best at him but nothing happens all he can do is stand there horrified.
Ice kicks Cherry into the air and throws a tail slicer at Cherry then endlessly shooting him he then ends it off with a evil explosion.

Ice: I win!!!!
Cherry: Graaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cherry is blasted out of the tournament into the city declaring ice the winner.

Announcer: The winner is Ice!!! He will proceed to the semi finals. The next match is...Nutta vs Taino!!
Nutta: Looks like I'm up!! Wish me luck!
Nylon: Good luck!
Nutta: Thanks!!

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