In the expansive universe of Darkbun Server, where creativity and imagination knew no bounds, a young man named Lateaton resided. Hidden beneath his ordinary exterior was a deep fascination and connection with anthropomorphic animals, an undeniable affinity that hinted at his true identity as a furry. However, Lateaton, plagued by self-doubt and the fear of societal judgment, had spent his life concealing this truth from himself and those around him.
Lateaton's friends, who had always sensed his hidden desires, hatched a plan to help him realize and embrace his furry nature. Among them was his devoted husband, Lux, whose unwavering love and acceptance served as an anchor of support. Together, they set out on a transformative journey to guide Lateaton toward self-acceptance and personal growth.
Lateaton's Furry Awekening
FantasyIn the vast universe of Darkbun Server, a peculiar character named Lateaton resides. Lateaton is a young man who possesses a secret he is unwilling to acknowledge: he is a furry. Despite his genuine interest in anthropomorphic animals, Lateaton harb...