2 - Homecoming

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Jeff is studying in his room at the castle tower when a sudden sound of approaching hooves followed by loud cheers draws him to the window.

Under Jeff's gaze, Bible enters the portcullis with a majestic aura. Wearing a fur coat, he's riding a black stallion, his back straight and his gaze ahead of him, seemingly indifferent. Dignified and untouchable.

He left the capital two years ago as a young lad and now he comes back as a man.

Jeff has also changed. His body hasn't bulked up as much as Bible's, but his face has lost the rounded features of his childhood and now his somehow androgynous beauty has many people in awe.

Although his father disapproves of his hobby, Jeff has continued to sing and play different instruments. But his days have been mostly filled with court matters. Several tutors are teaching him every skill the king thinks he needs to become a good ruler: diplomacy, war strategy, economy, history...

Handsome, soft spoken and talented, Jeff is renowned all over the kingdom and abroad as one of the finest, most desirable bachelors. Recently, he's been posing for a court painter who has made a big portrait and some smaller copies to send to the most powerful neighbouring kingdoms in order to find a suitable princess to marry.

His father already has one candidate in mind, the second princess of East Fifeland. Her family is offering a whole archipelago as dowry.

Jeff, with his mind far away from kingdom alliances, has spent the last few months before Bible's arrival writing poems and songs, and avoiding unwanted advances from some of the court women.


The evening of the arrival of the triumphant army there is a banquet at the castle.

Jeff hasn't been able to speak to Bible yet, after stealing a glance through the window, he's been busy with his studies.

Bible has been even busier, with the fellow guards showing his new quarters, taking him to bathe in the nearby river, and the housekeeper adapting his clothes for the court etiquette.

Jeff is trying to get his heart under control. He's incredibly excited and happy to see his childhood friend, but at the same time he's apprehensive, wondering how much has Bible changed; and proud, wanting to keep a cool, dignified air.

He dresses very carefully, in a black tunic with embroidered gold trimmings, and black leather wristwards. He finishes by wrapping a thick leather belt around his thin waist.

He's feeling almost embarrassed for being so worried about his looks, he wasn't half as careful when he had to pose for having his portrait painted.


Bible has been invited to sit at one end of the main table. For most of the banquet, all Jeff can do is watch Bible's noble side profile, half a dozen people in between them.

But then, after all the main dishes are served and most of the attendees have had plenty of mead or strong beer, a few knights stand up and come closer to Jeff's and his father's seat for a toast, and Bible is among them.

They finally make eye contact.

Bible has grown stronger but he's not taller than him, notes Jeff. And his aura has changed.

"Did you kill many people?" Jeff asks without thinking.

Bible just stares into his eyes, nods and a short "Mm" comes off his lips with no other comment.

"Did you meet people from your own kingdom?" Jeff continues to try and extract some words from him.

Bible has a difficult-to-describe expression. He wants to say something but in the end he just lowers his gaze, as it was a painful subject, for Jeff to stop asking.

Too soon others join them and they part ways.


A few days later, they are almost as close as they were before.

"Did your riding skills improve or shall I saddle an old mule for you?" Says Bible one morning with a smirk.

A vexed Jeff just grabs the first war horse he sees at the stables and darts off.

"Catch me if you can!" Shouts Jeff while bringing the horse to a canter.

They ride for hours. Bible's stallion manages to catch Jeff's horse in no time but he keeps a short distance in between them. He is struck by Jeff's exhilarating expression. He mustn't have many opportunities of taking a day off and just go out for a ride.

They arrive at a loch near the top of a low hill and Bible slows down, dismounting:

"Let's give the horses a rest before going back."

Then he starts taking off his coat and shirt, Jeff slowly copying him.

The water of the loch is cold and the breeze of the early autumn day makes Bible's skin red when he enters the water. Jeff follows Bible, cursing him when the icy-cold water gets to his thighs, producing goose bumps all over his body.

Bible smiles broadly, there are few things he likes more than teasing Jeff.


"Play something for me. I've heard you are very good." Says Bible the following evening.

Jeff looks into Bible's eyes for a few breathtaking seconds before picking up the lyre. He takes a couple of deep breaths and closes his eyes. The music starts flowing from his fingers as if created by some magical creature.

Bible hasn't listened to anything like it before. He is literally open-mouthed, but he manages to change his expression just in time before Jeff's eyes lift from the instrument to look at him, eyebrows slightly raised, questioning.

Bible clears his throat. He seems to have problems finding his voice. His eyes wander on Jeff's hands and face. A raspy and low "Beautiful" is his only answer.


A few days later, Jeff's father, the king, calls both of them to the throne room for an official audience.

He scrutinises both youngsters for a while, and then, apparently happy with what he sees, he smiles broadly and says:

"Good news son, we found you a wife."

There's no reaction from Jeff or Bible, they both stay silent and unmoved as if the king had said "It's raining."

He continues:

"That old rascal might be desperate, he's offering us enough gold to pay the last batch of mercenaries, a small guard of 500 men and of course the archipelago. It's like a competition! All of them want their daughters to marry you."

Bible becomes fidgety, moving his weight from side to side. He doesn't like all this talk about the business of marriage.

The king misunderstands and says to him:

"Don't worry, lad. It will be your turn soon. With your new status in court and as a thank you for your services I am planning to give you a small castle which will ensure you will also have many women to choose from."

Bible's cheeks turn deep red. He opts for remaining silent, giving a neck bow to express his gratitude.

"But before that, I need you to accompany Jeff to the kingdom of East Fifeland to meet his future bride and go through a proper engagement ceremony."

Jeff remains silent, his look absent as if he's thinking about something else outside the room.

Bible looks discreetly at Jeff. He's slightly concerned about his lack of reaction. Then he sees Jeff's fingers moving on his lap as if playing an invisible instrument.

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