PT 3

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   I roll over in bed, digging my face in the pillows. I feel a arm wrap around my waist. I groan feeling Duffs hand on my ass. "Baby" Duff almost whines. I knew he was awake so I rolled to face him. He kisses me lustfully Duff gets on top of me. I grab the back of his head and pull him down to kiss me. The kiss got more and more heated as we touched every part of eachother. His hands slide under my shirt and he grabs my boobs. I moan softly in the kiss. "Duffy.." I moan. "Yes babygirl?" Duff asks "I need you so bad" I whine. With that Duff takes off my shirt he leans down and kisses my mostly clothed boobs. I hug his head close to my chest. I tug at the waistband of his boxers. He groans and takes them off.

    I take off my panties and Duff kisses my thighs. He puts on protection and thrusts in me slowly. I moan softly then grab his hair. Duff pulls out of me almost all the way then thrusts into my roughly making me let out a squeal. "Fuck.." Duff groans turning me on more. "I'm close Duffy" I moan. With that Duff thrusts into me quicker and somehow harder. The knot in my stomach tightens. "Duff!" I moan loudly. He brings his hand down to rub my core. "Duffy I'm so close!" I moan. Duff pulls out of me all the way then thrusts back in really hard making me release violently. He continues to pound in and out of me with jittery hips "Y/n!" He moans, releasing into the protection. I pull him down by his hair and kiss him softly.

     Then we hear a loud knock at the door. "now are you done?!" The voice yells. We cover up quickly. "Come in" Duff yells annoyed. I see the firey red head come into view with Izzy and Slash. "We gotta go get your shit together or were leaving without you" Axl says mad. "Damn okay" I say then shooing them away. I put on a T shirt with some short shorts and converse. Duff looks at me with a strange look on his face. "What?" I ask. Duff walked up to me and grabbed me all over. My boobs, my ass, my thighs, everywhere. "Duffy we gotta go" I say reluctantly. He whines but packs his stuff. We go down the stairs for what feels like the hundredth time. We walk into the lobby to see everyone waiting for us. 'whoops' I think.

    I wave then I grab Duffs hand to hold. I kiss his cheek softly then walk out to the tour bus. I pull out my notebook and start to doodle little things. Duff sits next to me and watches. "That's cute!" He says looking at me. I smile "thank you" I say. "It's me and you" I say blushing. He kisses me softly. (💋) Before the kiss could get heated Axl interrupted. "Whoo! Get a room!" He says confusing me. I shrug then continue to draw. Duff stays next to me the whole ride to the next show. I then feel Duff's hand on my thigh while His thumb rubbed circles. "Ooh la la" Slash says teasing. "Shut the hell up" Duff says annoyed. It took a whole day to get to the hotel and it was noon when we got there.

     When we get to the next hotel I make sure not to forget my suitcase. We get into the lobby and the manager hands out keys. Axl grabs one of those cart things and tells us to load our stuff onto it. Me and Duff take the stairs to our room and we look around. I leave the door cracked so Axl can get in. I see a nice bed, a nice bathroom, and a kitchenette. I flop down on the bed. "Duffy cuddle me" I whine. He lays down next to me and cuddled me. (your choice😏) Steven walked in and set down me and Duff's suitcase. "Thank you Stevie" I smile. "Of fuckin course" he smiles then walks out. "I wanna look at little shops, can we?" I ask sweetly. "Of course baby" He smiles back at me. We get up and I grab my purse. 

    (Anything you want in it) and I put my cigarettes in my coat pocket. "Wanna try the elevator?" Duff asks me sweetly. "I'll try" I say already a little nervous. We walk out of the room and down the hall to the elevators. I feel the weight on my shoulders and chest increase. My breathing gets heavy, and tears welled in my eyes threatening to fall. 'no no no' I think. I stop dead in my tracks and I can't move. I can only breath. "Baby we don't have to. We can use the stairs" A sweet voice told me. 'was it always this dark?' My head spins and I feel light headed. "Oh fuck" I finally say something but everything went dark.

Shake Me (Duff Mckagan) 14 Chapters.Where stories live. Discover now