Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

I was in class listening to the teacher when I then hear a ding from my phone

"Whoever's phone that is please put it on silent" the teacher says

"Oh, sorry, I'll do that right now" I say taking out my phone, I turn it on to see a message from Zack, I then muted my phone and I put it away. Thirty minutes later the teacher stops teaching and she lets us have a phone break, I take out my phone and looked at the message

Zack 😑
Do you want to come over to my house after school?

Let me ask mom

Zack 😑


Mom, can I go over to my friend's house after school?

Mom ♥️
.... Sure, but be home by eight

Okay thank you mom, love you

Mom ♥️
... Your welcome, love you too


She said yes

Alright, see you later

A couple minutes later the bell rings and I head to lunch, when I walked to the lunch room, I see Brooke talking to the cheerleaders

"Hey" I say sitting next to Brooke

"Hi Y/n, these are the cheerleaders" Brooke says

"Hi" I say waving at them, they wave to me and they start talking again, I take out the lunch mom made me and started eating it. A couple minutes later everything goes dark

"Guess who" I hear Zack say

"Uhm, John Cena" I say jokingly

"Nope, me" he says showing his face

"I should of known" I say

"So, I have new video games I haven't played yet, so I was wondering if you wanted to play any of them"

"Sure, and maybe afterwards we can watch a movie"

"Sounds good" we then talked about different things, the bell then rings and we head to the rest of our classes.

When school was over I meet Zack at the front of the building and we go over to his house. We go up to his room and we put our bags on his bed, he then takes out some games

"Which one would you like to play?" He asked

"You can pick" I say, he then picks the game and we started playing

Two hours later

We stopped playing the game and I used the bathroom while Jake gets the snacks, when I was done washing my hands I go out of the bathroom and went back to Jake's room and waited for him. I then start getting bored and I looked at some of his pictures, the first one was him, Kendall, and two other girls on Christmas day, another one was them at the beach, another was him and Jill, and the other one was a baby which I think was either him or Kendall. Just then he walks in the room with a bowl of chips and he's holding two sodas in his arm

"I got the snack" he says putting the bowl in his bed

"Ok, um, I have a question" I say

"What is it?" He asks

"Who's these two?" I ask pointing to the two girls in the Christmas picture

"Those are my older sisters" he said

"They are really pretty" I say

"Not as pretty as you" he whispers

"What?" I ask

"Nothing, let's just watch the movie" he says grabbing the remote, after he picks the movie we start watching it.

A couple minutes into the movie my eyes get heavy, I close them I then realized I had to go home around eight, I sit up and looked at the time and it was nine-thirty

"I have to go" I say getting off his bed

"Why?" He asked

"I was supposed to be home by eight" I say putting my shoes on

"Do you want my mom to take you home?" He asked

"Yes please" I say picking up my bag

"Alright" he says getting off the bed, me and him then go find his mom

"Mom, can you take Y/n home?" He asks

"Sure" she says, she then grabs her keys and I say bye to him and then I headed home.

When I got home mom was waiting outside near the door, I walk up the porch and she says

"Your dinner is in the fridge" she says, I nod and went inside, I put my shoes in the closet and my bag on the coat rack, I then go in the kitchen and opened the fridge door and took out the food, I put it in the microwave and waited for it to beep. When it did I took it out of the microwave and grabbed a fork and I then began eating.

When I was done eating I put the plate and fork in the sink and then I go upstairs to my room, I go in my dresser and took out pajamas

When I was done eating I put the plate and fork in the sink and then I go upstairs to my room, I go in my dresser and took out pajamas

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After changing I go in the bathroom I wash my face, I brush my teeth, and I put it in a messy bun. When I was done I go in my room and I put my phone on the charger, I then lay down in bed and tried to go to sleep.

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