The room

4 0 0

???:"Ofc, you are in the backroom"
???:"I'm sorry but you can't be here"
"I'm s-sorry I'll leave!"
"You seem u need any help finding something?"
"Y-yea I was looking for the arcades"
"Well I can bring you there! Anyway what's your name little one?"
"I-i'm Y/N"
"Well hello Y/N^-^ I really think your name is beautiful it suits you"
???:"oh- right I haven't told u my name! My name is Henry Emily ^-^"
"Hello Mr. Emily"
Henry:"so let's bring you to the arcades shall' we?"

        After finding the arcades
"Thank you again Mr. Emily"
"No problem little one!
And call me Henry no need for the Emily"
"Oh- oke thank you Mr. Henry ^-^"
"Go and have fun now because you know the rule!"
Both:"At Freddy's you need to have fun!
Y/N:" Anyway see you soon Mr. Henry!!"
"See you^-^"

You go and play at the arcades

                  After 10 minutes
Y/N dad walks in to the arcade room

Y/N dad:" Y/N where are you?"
"I'm here dad!"
"Come on the pizza's are in the table!"
"Coming ^-^"

-At the table-

Y/N mom:" Hello my child how where the arcades?"
"They where pretty fun^-^"
"Good to hear, now let's eat!"
Everyone:" YEAH!"

Y/N:" Look Freddy and his band are going to perform!!!"
Y/N sibling:"Yes I love there show!
My Favorite is definitely Bonnie^-^"
"Nah Foxy is ten times better!!!!"
"Foxy isn't even performing on the Band!"
"Exactly he has his own show. He is better then the others"

Y/N mom:" you two stop arguing"
Both:" yes mom"

After eating and watching the show

Y/N:" mom! Can I go and play at the arcades again?"
"Ofc u can, just be careful!"
"I will mom^-^!
Hey sibling will you come with me?"
"No sorry I'm going to stay here"
"Oke until later then ^-^!"

                   At the arcades

💭: hmmmmm.... which game should I play??
I guess I could try that one!
Oh- there is a boy there....
Wait it's a duo game maybe we could play together!

Y/N:" Hello!^-^"
"Hi my name is Y/N and I was wondering if you wanted to play together ^-^"
"What is this game about?"
???:" it's about collecting all of the fruits. You can play it alone or with a friend!"
"That sound really fun^-^!"
???:" it is! So wanna play?"
"Yes! so what's your name?"

Sorry but another cliffhanger!!!

I don't really know when I am going to write the 3th chapter but yeah I will!

Anyway I hope you enjoy the story so far ^-^

Sorry is there are any mistakes (there are probably a lot)

Have a wonderful day/night!!!!

Hugs for everyone ^-^


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