ron weasley x reader

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Your dad is lupin, so ur a werewolf.

Ron's pov

As y/n turns into a wolf, I stare at her in shock.

Why didn't she ever tell me she was a wolf, I've known her for like, three years and she didn't tell me.

But that's not what shocks me the most.

Her and her dad start fighting, and it only stops once y/n is flung against a tree bleeding from basically everywhere.

She lets out a large yelp before a howling is heard from the distance, and Professor lupin runs towards it.
I try to stand up to help her, but the pain in my leg is too much, so instead, I slump back down, feeling useless.

God, I always feel useless.

Your pov

I wake up in a familiar room, the hospital wing.

Everywhere hurts, and I can't remember why.

"You're awake?" I hear Ron ask, and I move my eyes to look at him as I nod yes.

"What happened?" I ask as I slowly sit up and rub my eyes.

"You and your had, wolfed out." Ron answers as he cautiously watches me as I move about.

"He didn't mean to hurt me, yknow." I say, shaking my head as my dad and I fought.

"When we turn into werewolfs, we can't control what we do. He would never mean to hurt me he's not like that." I keep repeating.

"Y/n, I know." Ron says as he shakes his head.

"But why didn't you tell us?" Ron questions, and I sigh before I start tearing up, and Ron moves over as much as he can on his tiny hospital bed and pats the space beside him.

Using my all, I stand up and sit next to him, being cautious of his bandaged leg.

Everywhere hurts, and just by standing up, the whole room spins.

"I didn't want anyone to find out. People don't like us, Ron. I didn't want to ruin our friend group by being a werewolf. I didn't want you to be scared." I say as I shake my head rapidly, and Ron just stares at me.

"I'd never ever stop being your friend, and I'd never be scared of you." Ron states before I can see another question lingering on his face.

"But how could you control it? All the times our group went a walk during a full moon, you controlled it." He then goes on to ask, and I sigh.

"When i was first born, my mom left because she found out my dad was a werewolf and my dad didn't want something like that to happen to me when I grew up so he took me to some sort of specialist, they made it so I could only turn into one when I wanted to." I tell him before I turn and stare him dead in the eyes.

"You can not tell anyone Ron, anyone, that I'm a werewolf." I warn, and he nods.

"Are you okay, though? The fight was pretty bad." Ron quizzes, and I nod.

"It only hurts when I move." I laugh, but then I motion to his leg.

"But what happened to your leg? Is it sore?" It's now my turn to quiz.

"It only hurts when I move." Ron mocks, and I smile.

Even after what happened tonight, somehow Ron is still making me smile.

"I promise you, though my dad is not a bad person." I state again, and Ron just smiles, clearly getting tired of me repeating that my dad didn't mean it.

"Have we been in here for long?" I ask Ron as I slump closer into his side, starting to feel tired again.

"Only like an hour or two." Ron answers before I feel his arm fall limply over my shoulders, which makes me smile.

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