asher- to write is to express

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baaabe tended to be quiet when lost in their thoughts, usually being found reading or jotting random things down in a series of random old notebooks they kept in their home office.

asher always paid those notebooks no mind no matter how curious he was until one day when babe had a not so good time at thier job.

the keys rattled against the doorframe of their cozy apartment as they slipped their shoes off softly, calling "I'm home" into the seemingly quiet apartment
before kneeling to place their shoes in the cubby at the door, putting asher's worn work boots beside their own shoes.

"he must be asleep," they mumbled to themselves when they received no answer to their calls, slowly passing the door to their shared bedroom, spotting their werewolf laying across their bed.

they kept walking to the 4th door in thier small apartment "the box room" they called it when they show asher when they gave him the tour, an office they had made for themselves with a nice view out the one window, bookshelves lining the wall on the right showing thier different interests in literature while their diplomas and qualifications hung on the opposite wall.

they stepped inside flicking the switch "alexa, play my writing playlist" they spoke quietly before the light hum of the first song began to play as they walked to thier shelves grabbing thier most recently bought notebook, sitting in the chair they bought that had space so asher could join them while they worked at thier desk.

"ok, let's do this." they hummed, cracking their knuckles picking up their pen as they began writing how they felt throughout the day using that as inspiration for their writings, opening their laptop for an online dictionary

by the time asher had woken up and wondered into the office, nuzzling into their neck, "mm welcome home, baabe." he practically whined into their neck, letting out a laugh at the gravelly deep pitch of his whine "hi puppy welcome to the land of the living" they reached up combing a hand through ashers scruffy bedhead as he nuzzle further into thier neck"

"what are you doing?" asher moved to sit next to baaabe looking at the laptop looking at the word and alternates for the word on screen

"era-eranism what does that mean?" baabe hummed leaning against ashers shoulder still writing "it basically means that the person involved believes they don't belong in that timezone."

"ooh, OK got ya but um what are you writing baaabe?"
asher just asked out of curiosity, he didn't expect the sudden stiffness in his mates body and the way thier pen fell fromt hier fingers "its uhmm nothing just random stuff" asher wrapped an arm around thier shoulder "it can't be random stuff when your using really fancy words that I didn't even know existed and have filled 13 notebooks in the past 6 months so tell me please, or is it something your imagining about me please baabe please I'm practically begging here" baabe could feel the power of those puppy dog eyes on them "fine.. its I don't even know how to explain them. thier like poems I don't know" baabe sighed.

they moved to get up walking to the bookshelves again pulling out a folder  handing it to asher as they sat down "when I was younger I read alot and still do as you know but around 12 or 13 I started writing after an English teacher assigned us a task of writing our own short dystopian literature piece, and that's how it started but I stopped after a couple years and only started writing again when I was around 19 or 20 when I was having bad mental health days but when I graduated from highschool and college my old English teacher sent me a folder and it was awards and certificates and prize money that I had won for my writing I showed her, turns out she entered me into so many competitions and it paid off I guess" baabe sighed again "but people I used to know even my family told me to publish them yet I never did" asher pulled out something from the folder, a little black book "and this? it looks like something import" baabe took the book looking at it "oh, I remember this, it was my old ideas journal from when I read I would jot down plot ideas and how to expand on them" they rubbed thier finger tips against one particular page "I used to show her my ideas and she'd help me elaborate, but these little notes weren't here before though."

"keep doing what makes you happy, never let your fear define what or who you are -ms markelson, omg she didn't!" baabe exclaimed

"what baabe?" asher tried to peer at the piece of paper baabe pulled from the little book "she got in touch with multiple publishers through  a friend, it says W.Solaire and we only know one W.Solaire don't we?"

asher laughed hugging baabe closer "I think for one you should definitely speak to one of those publishers i-i-i mean if you want to of course but I think you should tell William what you think I'm sure he would like to give your writing a read baabe" asher kisses baabes cheek "it's your choice though".

"yeah I'll definitely think about both of those things" baabe answers kissing asher

"thanks puppy"

hiya lovelies, here ya go.

this was based off me deciding to use writing as a way to help with my mental health on bad days

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