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(Look at the image to see what Blake looks like! And look at the previous chapters for other characters!)

The blasting sound of the school bell filled my ears, but before anyone could even move a muscle, the deep tone belonging to the principal boomed through the speakers. Everyone in the room groaned because it was the last period and everyone was ready to leave.

"Good afternoon, students of GoldBridge High," the principal said over the loud speakers. I turn my head around to the back of the classroom room to glance at Blake, one of my close friends. He catches me looking at him and pulled a hand up to his temple, forming a gun, and pretends to shoot himself. I mouth the words, "yes, kill me now", and we both exchange chuckles. I then turn my head back around.

Blake and I only met this school year. It's only October and we became friends probably last month. He's a pretty outgoing character and was a complete jokester, at appropriate times of course. And no he's not gay and I'm sure of it. He's one of those guys that could get two girlfriends a week, and yes that's a true story. We actually became acquainted when he attempted to ask me out the first couple weeks of school.

I said no of course.

I was dating Jai still at that time, but even if I wasn't I wouldn't have fell for him.

Sorry I'm not a character in some cliche book where I fall for the bad boy player.

He hits on a me a lot and it's cute sometimes but I love Jai too much to fall for Blake. Plus we are just friends and I'm keeping it that way. We are pretty close also, so I wouldn't risk our friendship on that anyway. Even if he's extremely good looking with his beautiful brown hair and gorgeous hazel ey-. I should just stop thinking.

"I would like to announce some very exciting news!" The principal said with obvious fake enthusiasm. "This month, on Halloween night, we will be having a Halloween bash!" murmurs filled the classroom as he continues, "And to make this a success we will need some students to volunteer for our Halloween bash committee."

So in other words, you don't feel like doing the work so you want the students to do it. Well I'm not about volunteer work so..

"Thank you, that's all I wanted to speak to you about. Hope you're excited for this event. You may be dismissed."

The bell rung once again and the teacher attempted to get everyone's attention as we all jumped out of our seats.

"If you would like to be on the Halloween bash committee, here are the sign-up sheets!" Our teacher held up a stack of papers above her head.


As I exited the classroom, I felt a large hand tightly grip my shoulder. I twisted my head around to see Blake with a smirk across his face.

Why do bad boys smirk... (Comment if you've read TBBSMB on wattpad😏)

"You plannin' to go to the Halloween bash?" Blake asked. I nodded and offered a small smile.

Our lockers are really close to each other; his was just across the hall from mine. So everyday we walk together.

"Well I don't have a date yet...," His eyes were soft and the smirk from before morphed into a hopeful smile.

"I'm sure I could get Hilary to go with you," I said knowing that his intentions were to go with me.

He shook his head and looked down to his feet, "I want to go with you," Blake's eyes looked full of distress and anguish.

Responding with a sigh, we approached our lockers and I walked away. It seemed that Blake will never understand that I'm dating Jai and Jai is the only one I love.

I put my books inside of my locker and and grabbed my small black book bag that consisted of a floral design. I swung it over my shoulder and slammed my locker. Then I make my way to the front doors to exit the building.

don't u dare name these stars

"Uh, I know I've had more boyfriends than I can count on my fingers, but do you really expect me to date," she held three fingers up, in between her eyes in aggravation, "Blake?"

"Hill," I rolled my eyes, "you don't have to date the dude. You are just going on a date," I tried to speak in a convincing tone.

Silence filled the air as we continued down the school's long brick path to the parking lot, that seemed to be becoming broken down by erosion. The before dark colored crimson shade bricks were now faded into a grayish-brown hue. I simpered to myself knowing that when Hilary was silent, she was contradicting. There was a good chance that she would agree.

"Okay," she smirked, "I'll go with him if he asks me. I am not asking him," she crossed her arms with that mischievous smirk still spread on her face.

I slanted my eyebrows and frowned in confusion, "why would that be a problem?"

She sighed and pulled a pink scrunchy off her thin wrist, raising it to her head and pulling her hair through the hole to make a ponytail. She teased the front of her hair with her fingers and then looked over at me with an irritable expression and narrowed eyes.

"He doesn't like me."

I rolled my eyes and wiped a curly strand of my hair from the front of my face. "He loves blondes."

"Then why does he love you?"

Who tf knows.

"He doesn't love me, Hilary," I moan in aggravation.

She wraps her arm around my shoulder and brings her face up to mine.

"Yeah, that would explain why he flirts with you so much."

Don't even think about naming it -_-

I rushed inside my house as soon as I exited Jai's car, leaving him with a gentle kiss on the cheek. When I arrived inside my house, I sprinted straight toward my room, to only be stopped by my angry mom. She squeezed my forearm from behind me which caused me to jerk back towards her and widen my eyes in shock.

"Mom, what the h-!" She interrupted me as I yelled.

"You skip school now?" She frowned.

I don't respond so she continued.

"With Jai?"

I still don't respond so she shot me an icy glare. "It's not a big deal, mom," I crossed my arms and began to turn around to my room, "I bet William told you this. And I bet he didn't include the part where he followed us the whole way to our destination."

Her glare continued to burn through my soul as I turned to my room, making me uncomfortable. I bit my lip and look down to my feet.

"But he stalked us like some creep." I protested as I turned back around to my mom.

"He was trying to protect you! If you don't like him, then you sure are giving chances to prove that he's the perfect one for me," my mom swung around and stomped away, "And you're grounded for two weeks!" I'm pretty sure my jaw was on the floor.

That's just freaking great.



Hey, so yea. This took a while to update and I swear I've been working on this for a while. this is more like a filler chapter that's letting you in on some important information. LIKE THE HALLOWEEN BASH ;)

Comment if you've read The Bad Boy Stole my Bra. That's what TBBSMB is.


Also, whatchu think about Blake *smirk*??? And yes he is Noel from Pretty Little Liars.

Thanks for reading VOTE and COMMENT so I know I should continue this story!!!

Stay Awkward🌴


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