Chapter I.

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*on the Ballon *

"Hey, Violet" Poppy looked at her with worry. "You Okey? You've been quiet lately..."
Violet tried to smile and don't look fake but she failed.
"Oh, Poppy it's...nothing" Violet looked directly into Poppy eyes, there were filled with pure love and kindness but now they were sad.

"If you wanna talk, go ahead Vi" Branch sited down next to Violet and looked at her smiling at her to cheer her up.
She little smiled back and started to play with her fingers c'ause of stress.
"So...Emm.. I've been feeling kinda.. alone and I was thinking that is temporary so I ignored that but, my hair and finger tips started to be...grey" Violet showed this and looked at Branch who seemed to understand that feeling." I don't understand why...I-I have the dearest bestfriends in the world...but..bu"
"Vi, calm down sunshine " Poppy helded her hands and stroke them to calm her down."you. are. enough for us, you are perfect , WE love you, you are in family."
Violet feelt much better but something inside her is just irreparable.
"Shh" Branch shushed and looked at us."What was that?"
We looked at each other and started to getting closer to the sound. Violet reached her hand and tear of the cotton candy.
"Biggie?" Poppy said smiling at him.
"Oh, hello" he quickly stands up "Sorry,  I couldn't help myself. You know how I am around cotton candy " Mr.Dinkles burped really hard stucked on Biggie chest."Oh dear, Now look what's happened.." he tried to peel of Mr.Dinkles "Mr.Dinkles got all gummed up"
When Biggie still tried to separate from Mr.Dinkles he accidentally threwed him overboard
He leaned out but Mr.Dinkles was attached to the Ballon."Oh, There you are i though you were..." he picked up him "Oh. Right, then. We'll just be on our way...OAAAA HEY!" He realized he's flying on the Balloon "Poppy, wh-where are you balloon-flying us too?"
"We're on a mission to help Barb unite the Trolls, and I'm so glad you're coming with us!"Violet quietly face palm herself and Branch gestured word "no"
"I did what in the who now?"
"Hey, man, join the club." Violet replied looking at him with resignation.
"And I hope you didn't eat all the cotton candy.." she turned around " because Barb is gonna love it." Branch gasped when the flower on the mistery box fell down.
"Branchifer?" Poppy cleared her throat.
"Yes, Poppifer" He leaned on the box so Poppy wouldn't notice.
"What is this?"
"OH. It's nothing, nothing."Poppy slowly walked to Branch."That-that-that-that's just my man stuff." He gulped.
"I love man stuff!" She opened the box with excited.
"Weapons?" Violet questioned taking few rocks.
"Ugh, for shame" Poppy grumbled
"Violence never solves a problem, Branch" Poppy threw the stick and it landed in Mr.Dinkles mouth but Biggie squized him and the stick almost landed on Violet but she catched it.
"I'm not saying we have to use them. I'm just saying it's better to be prepared in case we need them"
He tried to explain.
"We won't need them unless these pointy sticks help you listen or these rocks help you put yourself in someone else's shoes" she shouted " And what about these?! Is this...What, I...Is this some kind of jewelry? Oh , it's actually kind of cool-looking? ~Oh~"She played with "jewelry" on her fingers.
"Give me that!" Branch rushed to her to put thing back to box." We don't even know what's out there..."
Poppy looked at him and nodded smiling as did Branch, but as soon she did that she kicked box out of the Balloon.
"Wait!, No...Oh,man." He looked disappointed " By the way, I whittled those for hours"
"Branch, the only weapons we need are this guy" she pointed at her arm "and this guy,... FOR HUGS!"
"Uh, you may want to take a look at this." Violet interrupted them pointing at devastated village.
It was in a terrible state.
"This is gonna take a lot of hugs."
After they landed, they were all in a totally shock.
"Woah, something gnarly happened here"
Branch said.

"Hello?" Sweet voice spoke from nowhere.
"Who said that?"Branch took the violin bow and tried to localized from where the sound came from. "Indetify yourself!"
"Uh, are you nice or are you mean?"
"W-we're nice. We're really nice!" Poppy cheered.
"Yeah ,but not too nice" Branch snapped." So don't even.. try it".
"Okay" out of a small hill came a little flute. It rolled over to us and Poppy took it.
"What is this place?" Violet asked while looking around.
"It used to be called...Symphonyville." it cough silently " Where the Classical Music Trolls lived but... that was in the before"
"What happened here " Poppy asked.
"Well, it was the most wonderful place you ever did see...It was the place where all of the Classical Music Trolls could live in perfect harmony. Wherever the conductor led, we followed , but then Queen Barb showed up...
"Oh no"
" 'Sup, Trollzart dude, I'm here for your string "
"We will not go quietly " the Dramatic Classical Music played.
"Hurgh, Mi, mi, mi ,mi ,mi...Oh.Oh, I'm sorry , I-i must have fallen asleep, because your music is soo boooring"
"Ah" Conductor feelt insulted.
"We're are the words, bro? Right?...
Now give me your string." Barb started to play hard rock which destroyed the entire village.
"No" Conductor mourned while Barb took his string.
"She took our string, our-our music, she took everyone... we lost everything..."
Poppy looked at flute with sad in her eyes
"Barb doesn't want to unite us..." Violet said turning to Poppy "She wants to destroy us..." Poppy put back flute on the ground.
"We need to make sure our own string is safe" Branch suggested.
"Uh, our string is safe..." Poppy muttered while pulling string from her headband.
"What!?, Poppy are-are you crazy ?" Violet shouted coming closer to Poppy .
" I though it was a good idea at the time, I-i can't believe another queen would use her power for evil..."
"Okay, change of plans" Branch belted " We need to get home as fast as we can and get everyone in a bunker.
"Uh, no. Changes of plans. We have to stop Barb from destroying all music, if we don't stop her...who will?" She put back string in her headband.
"Poppy, you said this could be handled with hugs. How are we gonna hug our way out of this one? " Biggie started to terrified.
"It's okay, Biggie " Poppy spoke calmly
"Really? It's okay to be terrified? When I am gonna learn to stay away from the cotton candy?"
"No" Poppy exclaimed "As you queen i promise that i will protect you, no matter what. I... pinky promise."
Biggie gasped" Poppy ,you know you can't go back on a pinky promise"
"Never did, never will"
"Oh man, it's happening "Violet turned around, tired with the situation.
"Let it be so" Poppy said
"And so it is "
Branch scoffed.
"This just got real..." flute said amazed by situation .
Violet decided to look around while Poppy started explaining the plan.
"Hey, Violet where are you going?" Branch stopped her.
"I will only look around, will come back soon ,okay?" Violet replied to him.
"Okay, but don't go too far".
Violet explored the village but she She looked toward the sound and started walking towards it. The music was much louder and clearer. It wasn't pop or classic... she locked over the Rock and saw a strange fish-like vehicle.
"Oh no" she realized it was the Rock band.
Violet tried to run to Poppy and tell her about everything but someone grabbed her hands.
"Well well, look who we have here " Violet looked ahead and saw Queen Barb with a small smirk on her face.
"Ugh let me go!" Violet yelled trying to get out of the grip.
"Why would I?" Queen Barb laught raising one eyebrow up and slightly leaning towards Violet.
" Since it's supposed to look like this..." Violet hit Barb of the head and one of the troll in the leg pushing herself out of the rock trolls' arms.
"AUGGH, Get her!" Barb angrly shouted holding her nose with pain.
Violet was smart, even though ,these Trolls tried to catch her ,she avoided them.
But she took a wrong step and fell with all her strength on her ankle. "AHHH!" She growled trying to stand up but she couldn't do it. The Rock Trolls lifted her up holding her twice as strong as before.
"Ah, I see, You're not like other trolls, looks are deceiving" Barb said proudly looking at Violet ankle. "Ooh, now you can't run away " she took one more step to lift Violet chin "Get her inside" she became serious and the Trolls took Violet to fish vehicle.


"Good luck, little Pennywhistle." Poppy said wearing a protective helmet over her head.
"Goodbye, Poppy." Pennywhistle replied but when the pebbles slipped dow Penny' sighed with sad voice.


"Where is Violet?"


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