Destiny Awaits

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Embers of Destiny Contest Entry

Prompt 3: [Fleeting Shadows] Royal Guards are on a hunt to find the assassin who tried to assassinate the Crown Prince. The person they're hunting is none other than you. But you have no idea why they're after you for a crime you never committed. What kind of twisted destiny awaits you?

Contest Link:


I nearly tripped over a root as I ran for dear life. They were right behind me and closing in fast! I had to get out of here or hide or something!

"Halt! By order of Prince Zavier of Hartinia, you are under arrest for treason and his attempted assassination! Surrender yourself!" the commander of the royal guard yelled as he and his troops gave chase.

"I didn't do it!" I shouted as I continued running. "I swear I didn't! This is all a big mistake!"

"Indeed, it is! Your attempt to take the life of our crown price was your greatest mistake! Tell it to the executioner and Prince Zavier!"

I continued running through the dark forest, my only guide being moon above and my memory of this dangerous forest's layout. I knew the kingdom like the back of my hand, which made this the only place I could hide and be safe.

Unfortunately, the forest was known for its populace of dangerous and terrifying creatures as well as its wild animals. But I was safer here than anywhere else. How ironic.

It was my job to know everything about the Kingdom of Hartinia, as it is—or now was—my job to protect it as one of its greatest warriors and defenders. I was loved by the kingdom and its people. Until, just this evening, the prince was nearly killed, and I somehow became the suspect.

Actually, screw suspect—I somehow became the freaking assassin!

But I didn't attempt to kill him. Of course not! I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And now I was running for my life. The second the prince locked eyes with me, he ordered his men to kill me, calling me his failed assassin and almost laughing about it.

Normally, I would just fight them off, but that would only make me look worse. I just had to run and figure out a course of action. I had to hide and plan a way of fixing all of this.

I needed to survive. That was my main and only goal right now. Survive.


Instictively, I ducked and twisted my body to avoid a barrage of arrows that threatened to strike me down. The arrows embedded themselves into the bark of trees as I rounded a large tree and changed my path.

"Keep him within your sights! If you lose him, the prince shall have your heads!" the commander shouted.

Removing one of my trusted weapons from my pack, I threw it ahead of me and watched as it planted itself into a tree before it cut through the trunk and cut it down, the tree falling to the side.

I slid on the dirt ground and beneath the falling tree before standing up and continuing my escape on the other side.

That would hold them off for a while. With the path blocked, they wouldn't be able to follow. But I had to keep moving regardless. I required a place to rest and collect myself before I became cornered or ambushed.

With any luck, the creatures that inhabited this forest would provide another distraction for the royals guards, keeping all enemies drawn away from me. If they all fought each other, it would buy me more time to escape.

Stopping to catch my breath, I leaned back against a tree trunk before the ground suddenly gave way beneath me. I yelled in shock as I suddenly found myself falling into a dark pit. After about a minute, I crashed into a large cushion made from sandbags and coughed when my throat suddenly became swore.

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