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In part one, I confessed on how I felt to my bestfriend hurting me. Read this chapter to find out what happened after that.

Layla was shocked!
"I didn't know you felt that way, I am so, so sorry Kaitlyn. Please I would do anything to make us friends again. Please, I beg!" Cried Layla
I just looked at her, then turned my head to the front of the class. My phone kept going off for some reason so I quickly took it out and hid it behind a book I was using. It was Layla texting me saying she was sorry and she would change. I just read it and placed my phone back in my bag. The bell rang and I went home as soon as possible so I could get away from them.
*At Grace's house*
"Layla, cheer up! She isn't worth it" Grace said rolling her eyes
"You don't understand. We've been best friends since kindergarten. Why am I telling you this, you wouldn't know how it felt because you didn't have a best friend. Have a nice life Grace and I hope karma gets to you so you can feel how Kaitlyn felt" Layla said as she packed up her belongings and left Grace's house
*knock knock*
"Huh, did mom say she was coming tonight?" I asked myself. I thought she was coming home late.
I opened the door and saw Layla standing there looking sad. I tried closing the door in her face, but she kept the door open.
" Look Layla, we aren't friends so just save us the time and leave so I can go back to doing my homework and you can go back to doing your silly tiktoks that only get 40 views!" I shouted
"I know you are mad at me but I ended me and Grace's friendship." Said Layla
"I JUST WANT MY BEST FRIEND BACK. I AM SO, SO SORRY LAYLA!" Layla said standing there crying her eyes out.
I decided to give her a second chance and let her come in. We did some homework and cooked for the 2 of us since my mom wasn't coming home from working at the hospital anytime soon. I guess she was really sorry because she deleted her tiktok videos with Grace and we even try to do a tiktok which had 423 likes and 550 views.
*Part 3 will be posted soon!♡*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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