NOTICE; All dragons mentioned in this story are from a timeline set in 12,000AS, roughly 7,000 years ABN (After Brightest Night)
Description- Thick, armoured brown scales, sometimes with amber and gold underscales; Large, flat heads with nostrils on top of the snout.
Abilities- Can breath fire (if warm enough), hold their breath for up to an hour, blend into large mud puddles; Usually very strong.
Queen- Queen Mapleshell.
Alliances- Currently allied with the Seawings in The War of Monarchy
Description- Pale gold or white scales the colour of desert sand; poisonous barbed tail; forked black tongues.
Abilities- Can survive a long time without water, poison enemies with the tips of their tails like scorpions, bury themselves for camouflage in the desert sand, breathe fire.
Queen- Queen Barren
Alliances- Currently allied with the Icewings in The War of Monarchy.
Description- Red-gold or orange scales; enormous wings.
Abilities- Powerful fighters and fliers, can breathe fire.
Wings of Fire; Broken Peace
FanfictionFOR NOW, This will be only for me to keep track of the Royalty and Alliances. This story takes place 12,000AS, so (roughly) 7,000 years after the brightest night.