Standing On My Own Again

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I was dragged out of sleep by Mark shaking my shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" They asked, nudging my shoulder again with their arm. I hadn't realized that in my sleep I had moved to their side. I gave a start and scooted away from them, apologizing profusely.

They didn't seem to like that. "Hey, hey, it's okay. You can come back. It's okay," they beckoned me back over.

Hesitantly, I moved back to their side, resting my head on their shoulder, allowing myself to close my eyes and relax for just a few minutes. I felt their arm move around to my shoulders.

We stayed like that for a while, me drifting in and out of sleep. Sometimes, when I would wake up, I would see them looking at me, or adjusting themselves to make me more comfortable.

I was woken again by Mark talking, his voice rumbling in his chest under my head. "As much as I love this, I think we should move soon," they mused. "It's only a matter of time before they find us here. It's better to keep moving, try to find an exit, than stay in one place and wait."

Shifting, I leaned deeper into their side and mumbled. I just wanted to stay here, in this moment, as long as I could. I just wanted to be done with this shit. To go home. Even if I don't remember if I had one.

They sighed. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to move you. I want to see if I can stand on my own."

"Hang on." I let myself rest for three more seconds, then sucked in a breath and moved away, standing up. They'd need help to get up, at least.

I brushed off my pants and grabbed my jacket, shrugging it on. It was missing a sleeve, but I didn't care at this point. I also grabbed the bag that Mark had snagged from the halloween store. It had what little food we had left, along with some weapons we'd found.

I grabbed as many water bottles as I could and put them into the bag. Who knows when we'll find more.

I turned back to where Mark was, still on the ground. They seemed to be trying to psych themselves up to stand. I sighed slightly, crouched down, and put my arm under their shoulders.

"No, no, you don't have to do that. I'll be fine." 

"I mean this kindly, shut the hell up," I said, sarcasm evident in my tone. "I'm at least going to help you up, then we'll see how well you do from there, okay?"

They sighed, but surrendered and let me help them.

"On three. One, two, three," I tried to lift them up, while they tried to stand. It was difficult, but we did it.

"I'm going to let go, okay? You can grab me or the bookshelf if you need to," I said, slowly dropping my arm once they nodded.

They gripped the shelf, putting most of their weight on their good leg. They began to shift their weight to both of their feet, grimacing.

Suddenly, their bad leg buckled from underneath them, and my hands shot out to grab them. They waved me away, sucking in a breath and white-knuckling the shelf.

They steadied themselves and began to put more of their weight onto their bad leg. After about 3 minutes, they seemed steady enough to walk.

"You good?" They nodded. "Do you want to ty to walk?" Another nod.

With a look of determination, they began to hobble up and down the aisle of books. They had a pretty bad limp, but they could walk on their own. I let go of the breath I'd been holding.

They limped back towards me, a plastered smile on their face. I couldn't actually see their mouth, but their eyes gave them away. It was endearing.

"Alright then, let's head out."

And with that, we both walked out of the store, back into danger.

The Hero [Generation Loss Ranboo x Male!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now