Chapter 1: The Beginning

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You all know how when a vampire gets you, they can turn you into a vampire? Well, in my world, the vampire who turns you can claim ownership of you. They can say,
“You are mine. You belong to me. Now follow me for the rest of eternity.” And that's actually part of the whole ritual. And they have to do it while there's a full moon out. And they can't make anymore companions nor can you make any companions for yourself, unless your vampire dies. Speaking of dying, if the vampire finds that they no longer want you by their side, they can either kill you or take you to a doctor. Because there is a cure for being a vampire, but most vampires don't want it. However, a companion would gladly take it. Unfortunately, not all vampires are merciful.

So basically, the vampire will drop you off at the nearest clinic and release you by saying, “You will be human again soon. We will never meet again. This is where our journey ends.” If you're lucky enough, that is. But there is one silver lining: Once you're turned into a vampire, the vampire who turned you has to protect you if you get in any danger. How do I know this? Well, I used to be a human. I used to think being a vampire would be the worst thing in the world. I used to pity those who were turned. There is one more rule, though. The person who a vampire turns has to be over 18. Otherwise, they can't legally take control over you. Since I have been cursed at birth with hereditary eternal baby-face, my vampire had to look at my ID. We were friends before she turned me. In fact, I had a bit of a crush on her. Well, that didn't change, so why am I speaking in past tense? Let me start on that fateful fall day.

It was just starting to get cold. I had no idea she was a vampire. I just thought she was emo. She was pale like the moon, with long flowing black hair and icy blue eyes. She always wore dark clothes and listened to rock and roll. Her favorite song is Breaking Benjamin's "Breath". I am the exact opposite. I always wear bright colors. I love pop and my favorite song is Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl".

But I am pale because I'm taking a new medicine and it doesn't allow me to have prolonged exposure to the sun. And a terrible tragedy happened to her a year ago: She lost her sister in an attack because some crazy person accused her sister of being a vampire and pierced her heart with a sharpened piece of wood. Then again, maybe it wasn't that crazy. Anyway, her parents collected her body and cremated her. The urn is a small red multi-armed bear/octopus thing that resembled a plush toy from the sister's childhood. And sometimes my friend would hold said urn when she missed her twin.

Her sister's name was Luna and my friend's name is Nova Nightshade. My name is Cerridwen Lightheart. I thought to myself as I walked towards her in my pink fluffy jacket, “This is it, Cerridwen. November 3rd, 2017. This is the day you tell Nova how beautiful she is. She likes when I sing for her, I'll serenade her with a One Direction song! 'What Makes You Beautiful' would do nicely.” I saw her in the library, sitting slumped with her head on the desk. Today marks the one year anniversary of her sister's death. I tapped her shoulder and sat next to her. “Are you ok, Nova?” I asked as I laid my head down.

She slowly turned her head so that her cheek was squished, like I was. She sniffled and said,
“I want you to do something for me.” I was kind of shocked, but I said,
“Sure. What is it?” She took my hand and led me to the bathroom. I felt nervous and excited at the same time.
“Oh, boy! She's gonna make a move on me! She likes me back! Ooh, I feel like I gotta pee. Why did I just get that feeling?” I thought as we ran into a stall. She locked the door and turned to me.

She flipped her hair out of her face to reveal her paleness. My heartbeat got faster and felt like it was also below my stomach. She walked towards me and held me tight and breathed in and out through her mouth slowly. I hugged her back and hoped that she didn't notice how fast my heartbeat was or how fast I was breathing. She nuzzled my neck a couple times and I started breathing shakily and I uttered,
“Ohhh...” I felt her lick my neck and I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle. Then I felt her kiss my neck, and I couldn't help but giggle. Then I heard her whisper in my ear, “I'll take you out to the park tomorrow night under the full moon.”

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