F o u r t e e n

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"How were finals?" Lia asked as I collapsed next to her on the mat.

"Other than the ones for AP? Ridiculously easy," I answered. "Yours?"

"Same as you, really. What are your plans for break, other than training?"

"I'm training Jason, visiting Lucas, and my mother wants to go holiday shopping."

"That sounds...interesting. Do you want me to come with?"

"Only if you don't have plans. I want you spending time with your family, too, Lia."

Lia rested her head on my shoulder and exhaled deeply.

"What's going on?" I asked softly.

"Moving here was the best thing that I did. My parents were on the verge of divorce," she admitted.

I looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah, that was my reaction too," she laughed wryly. "Except, they were barely seeing each other, and our whole family just felt like it was falling apart. I barely got to see them when we were at the Academy."

"I'm so sorry, L."

"Ah, that's okay. Me moving here actually helped everyone in the long run. My parents were concerned about the move, I told them about Lucas, and they started being there for me as parents and not just DNA donors. I think they were freaked out by what happened and, I don't know. Maybe they were afraid I'd go down that path, too."

"How are you doing now?"

"Better. My parents even went to marriage counseling, and they go on dates now."

I playfully nudged her, and she smiled warmly at me.

"I got you," I reminded her.

"And don't I know it."

I shook my head in amusement.

We observed the others sparring, and other than the occasional question that Lia had, we were quiet.

When I had decided to catch my parents up on everything that was going on, my mother had shown a protective side of her that I hadn't known existed. She had decided to start teaching me intricate defense moves at home, and there were times she would come to the training center herself and spar with me, walking me through even more complicated moves. Under her, I had begun learning different types of martial arts, which was a different world than the combative training I had been learning through my father and his peers.

I had also learned that my own mother was ex-CIA.

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

Watson had assigned himself my personal chauffer, after gaining my father's permission. I wasn't sure what other people at school thought of me, but I didn't really care at this point. It had meant more time with him, and I wasn't going to complain.

Cleo was Nicolette's best friend and was seen everywhere with her, including on social media, or at least according to Lia. I had decided to stick to my decision of staying off of social media, a decision I had come to realize was for the better. I didn't have to see the drama in everyone else's lives, especially when my own life was starting to feel like a soap opera.

Tony had hit a wall in his investigation, but we weren't concerned. My parents had gotten him in touch with some old friends, and they were doing some digging of their own. I had been surprised to walk in on that conversation, especially when I heard my parents mention that the Constitution was not to be violated.

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