(the three, part 2)

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as Clyde got up heading to the kitchen for breakfast his grandma said "you need to start packing" we're leaving tomorrow." as Clyde says "I know. but do we have to leave? I'm gonna miss my friends." his grandma replied "yeah, im sorry Clyde."
Clyde responded "ok I'm gonna go start packing."

as Clyde got to his room he got his suitcases and placed them on the bed he got his shoes, blankets, shirts, pants and a charger. he was gonna miss his friends but he didn't wanna tell them just yet so he wanted to spend as much time as possible with them.

he met up with them an hour later and they went to the park. they has a basketball court so Jonas and Arziel were gonna play. Azriel picked up the ball untill someone stopped him he saw it was Clyde, Azriel asked "what are you doing??" Clyde then responded "I have a better idea" Azriel replied "like what?" Clyde then said "I don't know.." Jonas replied "well let's just go play on the actual park instead of the basketball court." Clyde and Azriel Agreed

a few hours later it was time to go home.
Clyde got home and went to his room knowing it was time to leave tomorrow at 8:25.AM

he started to message the groupchat with Azriel and Jonas

Jonas: yeah join me

Azriel: ok

Clyde: guys can I talk to you?

Jonas: no

Azriel: no

Clyde: mouth your shut

Azriel: yeah yeah what is it

Jonas: hurry

Clyde: ok so

Clyde looked up from his phone wondering what to say, he looked back down about to type.

Clyde: ok so I'm moving tomorrow and that's why I wanted to spend more time then usual, well I always do but I don't say anything about it because you guys never have enough time.

Jonas: Oh.

Azriel: okay first of all why didn't you tell us sooner we could've made time

Jonas: yeah, if you weren't such a scaredy cat we could've canceled some stuff and hung out with you more

Clyde: shut up Jonas 😠

Azriel: he's right tho, you should have told us not last minute because now we can't do anything before you go away

Clyde: well excuse me

Azriel: come over

Clyde: why?

Jonas: just come

Clyde: wait were you guys hanging out without me?

Jonas: no I just got here

Clyde: oh. coming

Clyde started walking up the hill to get to Azriels house he turned left getting closer and closer to his house.

Clyde: im almost there.

A few minutes passed And Clyde finally arrived

Clyde knocked and heard a female voice "come in"
Clyde opened the door going in seeing two boys with makeup and their hair done Clyde was shocked, he smiled a little and started to do his silent laugh.

Azriels younger sister forced them into doing it.
Clyde looked down to see his yonger sister with makeup and rubber bands they all tackled clyde to the ground
while the younger sister held the makeup brushes and started doing his makeup. the other two boy let him stand up and sit down on a chair. the other two boys did his hair. and the sister was all done and made them dress up.

while they were dressing up Clyde looked in the mirror and said "I look flawless" and then it was his turn to change. he went into the bathroom and locked the door realizing his only choice was a princess dress, shoes and a tiara.

"Clyde" says "oh come on"

Clyde changed into the clothes and came out after he was done. Everyone bursted out laughing

"Clyde" said "it's not like I have a choice."

they all decided to head to the park with unexpected guests.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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