💫Daughter of truth (III): Dark clouds ahead

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My dearest sister,

Forgive me for reaching out to you in this manner, the sky grows treacherous with each day, and the clouds have covered all ground where the sun once touched. I am afraid this will be the only way for the birds to sing  as we shield from the rain.

Rumour has it that the clouds are to return in two months with prisoners of war. We all suspect that Kiezen will soon be dissolved into Messina. Enough cruelty has been spread in the name of protecting the sky and earth. I am more convinced now than ever that this stems from greed and competing with the lion. The sky is  vain but I dare not limit its cunning to mere competition, there is something it seeks.

The sky smiles down on you but once he is strong and has all his resources, I imagine the clouds  will be moving in your direction. I do hope that the weather that's faced by the Kiezens does not spread northward. There are whispers of resistance. I do not have any details to comfort you and perhaps it is impudent to mention it. As it stands, the sky looks to the lion with  envy and I think it recognises that the lion is formidable and mighty; to challenge the lion is to conquer or be killed, let us take comfort in that for now.  I dread the day that I will be forced to look at you with hatred in my eyes.

The future looks bleak. The elephant  does not have  a mean streak, but as the sky shapes the earth and what's above, it is only a matter of time that the pride and the elephant will stand against one another.  The elephant is not as wise as the sun hopes, and, more than anything, desires to be shaped like the skies above.

The calf gives me hope  that the heifer will be looked after. As for the  heifer, it  has yet to have the understanding that when it breaks out of its cocoon it may very well turn into a sun. If there was another way, I imagine this new sun could break through the dreadful weather and the earth will once again be fruitful. The horrid rain has left no room for growth. We have already begun to starve, the question is: what will become of all of us by the time it ends?

Be mindful of the black clouds as they enquire of promises once made. This cannot be allowed to happen. I have planted seeds of another male in the heifer's mind. Someone inconsequential... someone who cannot help fulfil the sky's vision to its full magnitude.

The previous year was a request for the cub to study here and now this. I am not sure of the sky's plans  but I hope that you realise that this is an attempt to find the lion's weakness. He may be a hard man but all men have weaknesses. Perhaps the sky never finds it...perhaps he does.  I dread to think it, but I believe that it would be enough to harm the eldest of the lion's cubs and embarrass the lion to instigate a thunderstorm.

What do you think happens once one of the lion's pride has been wounded? The lion will need to reassert dominance over the hearts of all on earth. You don't want that, and,  most of all, me. It would be a bloody endeavour that the sky is willing to see through but the lion is not merely a lion by words alone — you know that best.

I, above all, hope that we are united in stopping this union. Asking for the promise is but a ruse to keep the cub within reach. The sky  cannot have assistance from the lion in his wars or wars to come, especially if it is by sending assistance through his eldest cub.

If I hear anything else, I will contact you as soon as I can. Do not trust the dark clouds. I hope the autumn breeze will comfort you until the warmth comes with the summer. I pray for your good health far more than I kneel in prayer for myself. May Verity bless you. My dearest companion, I am with you always in spirit and in mind. So long as I shall live this bloodshed will remain within our borders.

With you always,

Daughter of truth, III, 1403

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