No going back.

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The aurors did there best in assisting the SCP foundation with the cleanup of the area, as well as the transportation of the injured to St. Mungo's, the dead to the ministry's morgue and the uninjured or those with minor injuries were sent to King's Cross.

The MTF captain explained to Scrimgeour in more detail that his team was referred to as MTF NU-7 Codenamed "Hammer down." A large group of companies consisting of armed soldiers, tanks, fighter jets and other military equipment that were designed to deal with anomalies that had escaped and often involved fighting in open areas or dealing with SCPs that were on too large of a scale in terms of size or danger that warranted a simple recontainment team.

SCP-1853 had begun cremating the corpses of the SCP-3199 instances that had been released by Voldemort, they weren't going to be transferred back to a foundation site due to the mass of dead and not much was needed of them for study as there were still plenty of instances under foundation custody.

Dumbledore had appeared beside Scrimgeour as the two spoke in hushed voices.

"You do realise that I have been telling the truth Rufus," began Dumbledore. "Lord Voldemort has been returned to the living for quite some time now."

"And contrary to popular belief Albus," began Scrimgeour rather firmly at the headmaster. "I have always thought that you would not lie about such things, Amelia and I both knew that Fudges blind arrogance towards any threat to the wizarding world would come back to bite him. If I didn't believe you then the members of your little resistance group would have been charged with treason by now."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "I did not realise you knew Rufus."

"They know how to do a good job of acting pro-fudge in a very temperamental time but I could tell that they weren't truly happy with what Fudge was playing at, besides Kingsley and Tonks are two of my best aurors." Explained Scrimgeour to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore glanced at a group of six Hogwarts students, he recognised them as Harry and his friends group and he told Scrimgeour that he would speak with him later this evening. He made his way over to Harry as he lay there, resting his body on the ground.

"Are you alright Mr. Potter?" Asked Dumbledore as knelt down next to him.

"I'm fine." Said Harry, wincing as he felt a sharp pain in his ribs.

"Allow me," said Dumbledore kindly as he waved his wand over Harry's chest, fixing a couple of the ribs that had cracked, they would still be tender but there would be a lot less pain. "Now you may say you are fine Harry."

Ginny snorted from her spot next to Harry as Dumbledore stood up, SCP-1853 made his way over to the group.

"The clean up is almost complete, the oh-five council would like to meet with you at some point as well." SCP-1853 informed him.

"Why not speak with the minister of magic?" Asked Dumbledore, a little confused.

"They already have plans to speak with him," Said SCP-1853. "I believe they are already making their way to the ministry of magic as we speak."


SCP-1853 was indeed correct. Whilst the cleanup was still taking place, 05-1 along with a squadron of highly trained MTF soldiers who were under the MTF codename of 'nine tailed fox' hadade their way into the ministry and barged into the ministers office and approached a shocked Cornelius Fudge.

There was a loud thud as a fist was slammed onto the table of the minister of magics desk as he stared in fear at the man whose face was covered by a mask with a unknown symbol on the front, only his eyes were visible and there were ten other men, armed with muggle rifles who stood around the room, they had randomly turned up at his office and since he had not found a replacement undersecretary, there was no one really to inform him of there arrival.

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