Episode 1 - The Heiress

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It was your standard day in the Empire. Birds were chirping, the city was bustling, and the carts and carriages carried on with their trails. Anyone would see this as just another day in the capital. Where the morning breeze gently takes the noise of the people along its merry path.

But today wasn't just a normal day. It's when history began to be made.

"Where is she off again this time?" A poor knight lamented his situation in a dimly lit room filled with accessories, jewelry, and dresses. "The duchess is gonna hang me if this keeps going on." His dismay was audible from the way he exhaled his breath.

"Don't worry Asher, it's not like she can't take care of herself." A maid came from behind him, carrying a broom and pan. "Now get back, I have to clean my lady's room."

"Teresa?" He mentioned. He stepped out of her way but he couldn't help but feel like something was amiss. "You helped her out this time didn't you."

The maid froze on the spot.

"By the gods, Teresa." He grumbled. "You'll get both of us in trouble."

"Ehehehe." She tilted her head and tried to squeeze her way out of this one with her excuses. "But she looked so sad though~"

"Oh c'mon, you're her personal maid, you should know her tricks by now." He scolded the poor girl who simply hung her head down as she endured it all.

"I'm sorry, hick." She teared up.

"Ugh." No matter the situation, even a guard as strict as Asher can't remain harsh in front of a crying lady. "It's fine, let's just look for her in the city."

"Hick– o-okay." The crying girl nodded her head and agreed and the knight fell his back on the wall and looked out the open window.

"Where the hell could she have gone?"

If you were beginning to wonder the same thoughts as his. Let's pan over to the city where a beautiful brown skinned girl dressed in such plain looking clothes ran around in excitement. Her black hair dragged behind her as she made her way across crowds to sightsee and experience the common life.

"Ahhh, what a breath of fresh air." She squealed to herself as she finished a bunch of skewered meat on her hand, with some sauce still left in her lip. "Compared to that suffocating place, I can relax here."

This girl was Lady Alejandra Ramirez, daughter of Duchess Roselia Ramirez and Duke Joseph Ramirez. They held their land at the eastern duchy, a place teeming with life as it was directly connected to the river and sea. That allowed its people to live a life of farming and fishing and has become a major trading connection to the imperial family.

The Ramirez House, officially referred to as the Golden Tiger of the Empire is one of the most influential and powerful houses in the nation. This is due to their massive trade connections, access to the largest ports, and their exorbitant amount of treasures and riches.

There are such days when the entire Ramirez family will visit the capital for a month or two as a way of establishing future connections and forming new contracts with business partners in the main city. It has become a long standing tradition in the family for the next head to learn the ways of business making and politics during such times.

However, the nineteen year old heir, who is set to inherit the family's fortune and business, is currently out frolicking in the city streets and hanging out with the commoners. For such high nobility this would seem absurd, but not to our Lady.

She is by far not like any normal noble in the Empire. Absurd would quite literally underestimate the trouble the lady had caused for her poor parents.

Albeit a troublemaker who has embarrassed her family's reputation many times, she had been considered a prodigy by her own father and his advisors. She displayed accurate and proper discipline when it came to engaging in business, she was fierce to her prey, but gentle to her allies. She was smart and decisive with every plan she had fostered.

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