The day stand

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Narrators POV :
Well it's first time i'm going on a date!. Okay I'm nervous because I never seen his face before. We are just talking on Instagram for last 1 year. I'm not like those girls who love red flags boys but yeah I love when someone complement me , because I'm so insecure about my every Inch. And the guy is just a little flirty , so I'm just a little attract to him "Huh!!!! I'm overthinking now"

Next day -
"Mumma, I'm going to amusement park !!". I said to my mom

"Okay but when you're coming home dumbo !?" My mom ask me

"Well, I'll come after 6pm or maybe I'm gonna late !" I answered to my mom's question

"Okay but you have to answer all my calls " my mom said

"Deal" we both said

* In my mind *
'why I'm thinking that hard it's not like date it's just a meet up *hehe* but at the end I know I'm just trying to fooling myself , seriously how dumb I am '

In narrator mind~~
The guy name is Aaki and he approach me first. Obviously i reject him but we talk frequently he has same movie taste as me and he always gave me suggestions on kdramas , movies , dramas , webseries and anime. And yeah he not always but a little flirty with me . So I'm just little attract to him . On last week he just ask me for a date but Idk why i said yes to him . Maybe i just want to experience a date that's why!!. Well - whatever the reason is I said yes and we are meeting now . I've watched a lot of romcom dramas and anime. That's why I have high standards (my standards is higher than my height tho!!) . So he have no chance to impress me but at the end I'm blaming myself 'WHY I SAY YES TO HIM !!!!'

on the entry gate of amusement park:

*checking the time*
"WTH !! Where is he !? " I just mumbled a little

*suddenly hears a sound on behind my ear*

"Ahhhh!! WTF is this, are you dumb is this a way to talk !?" I just shout

"Calm down kiddo !!" The guy said

"Hello , mister i didn't even know you" i told him aggressively

"Why are you shouting like a kid it's me Aaki" he told me with a smirk

*in disbelief*
"Huh?? Aaki !!" I look at him with widden eyes and pouted lips

"Yeah !! It's me A-A-K-I Aaki !!!" He Sayed with a teasing smile

Narrator thought ~~
OMFG is he's the same guy I didn't expect Aaki is that handsome guy. He is handsome. Yes he is !!. Ive never seen him before he didn't post any of pictures of him on insta but he recognise me by my posts but I've never show my whole face but he just!!

*claps in front of face*
"What are you thinking about !?" He asked me with lowering his upper body in front of my face

"No...nothing :} !! Just day dreaming" i answered him shyly with a crack smile

"So.. can we go now !?" He ask me .

"Uhmm.. sure.. that's why we are here " i told him with awkward smile .

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