"Noooo," I shook the door handle as if it would magically unlock.

"Let me try," YouTube stepped next to me and tried the door. It didn't budge.

"If I couldn't do it, why did you think you could?" I stepped away from him, still pissed at the door.

"Cause you have scrawny gamer arms."

"I don't even play video games? Let me show you scrawny gamer arms!" I turned to him and stopped when he started laughing. Are you kidding? "Forget it, you aren't worth it."

I walked back to the closet and searched the last place for some beakers. Sure enough, they were there. I took them and walked them back to Mr.Twitter's desk.

"It was two beakers, why couldn't he have gotten them himself?" I asked myself and placed them down.

"He probably lost them and didn't want to admit it," YouTube guessed, still by the door. I could feel his eyes on me but refused to look back.

"Old fart can't even keep his own stuff," I said, walking to the opposite side of the room and leaning on the windowsill. I pushed dirty blond hair from my face as I watched students sit outside the school with their lunches, chatting with their friends. I sighed miserably.

"Is it bad to say I'm glad I'm stuck here?" He asked me sitting on top of a desk. This time I actually looked back at him. My face was full of confusion while he looked apologetic.

"Yes, it is. Why, though?" I cautiously sat on the desk next to his. He seemed different than he seemed in the halls or with TikTok. He almost seemed ashamed.

"I guess I'm just glad to get away from TikTok," he told me, looking down at his hands as if there were blood on them.

"TikTok? But she's your girlfriend," I put my hands on my desk and turned to look at him as I spoke. This topic was highly uninteresting to me yet intriguing at the same time. I never heard the popular people's secrets.

"She isn't!" He threw his hands up in defeat, "someone started spreading rumors and she's acting like it's the best thing in the world!" He sighed and massaged his temple, "I'm sorry, this isn't your business."

I didn't reply. The room was silent for a minute before I turned to him again. He was looking out the window. "Who do you think did it?"

"Hm?" He looked at me, already partially forgetting about the conversation we had just had.

"Who do you think spread the rumors, dimwit?"

"Oh. Probably someone in our group," he told me. YouTube seemed completely uninterested in the idea of figuring it out.

"You're not gonna try to find out who it is?" I excitedly slammed my fist into my hand.

"No way! I would never do something like that to my friends," he gave me a look as if I just suggested murder.

"You're no fun," I got up and tried the door again as if it changed. I sighed and turned, leaning on the wall next to it. I looked out of the door windows. A familiar Kool-aid color was walking down the hallway towards the classroom.

"Pinterest!" I called out shaking the door.

"Someone's here?" YouTube got up and looked out the window, seeing her.

Pinterest paused when she saw the shaking door. She walked closer and saw me. She said something, smiling but we couldn't hear it. She looked at YouTube then looked back at me. She dramatically pointed at us and made a mischievous smile before walking away.

"Pinterest, nooooo," I kept shaking the door but she was already gone. I sighed and leaned against the wall, sliding into a sitting position.

YouTube just stared out the window with a mix of confusion and shock, "What just happened?"

"We just lost our ticket out," I told YouTube, dramatically hanging my head and staring at the dirty floor.

"Maybe she's getting a teacher?" He asked; some hope raised in his voice.

"Unlikely," I replied, done with myself, "she doesn't like authority."

"Does this mean we're stuck here?" He looked at me. YouTube didn't need an answer to sigh, hopelessly. He dug through his backpack, "might as well try to waste time."

"Don't try to be my friend," I asserted myself, going back to hanging my head.

"Okay." He went silent and just stared out the window on the door again.

Seconds turned into minutes which felt like hours. But then he spoke, "She's back. With someone else."

I immediately stood up and looked out the door window. Pinterest had returned and she brought Reddit. Why Reddit? How were they going to get the door open?

When she reached the door, she locked back at Reddit, saying something. She then pointed to me, then to YouTube, then back at me. He seemed disappointed at something.

"HELP US!" I shook the door violently. Pinterest decided to try the handle but it was locked from the outside, too. There was no help for us. Reddit looked at us again before the bell rang and both he and Pinterest left for their classes.

"What was his problem?" YouTube looked out if the classroom at Reddit walking away suspiciously.

"Who, Reddit?" I looked at him inquisitively.

"Yeah," he responded. He seemed obviously put off by him.

"Nothing, I don't know what you're talking about," I picked at a loose thread on my shirt.

He sighed and looked at me. There were so many things about himself he had told me while I still remained a mystery. I was happy this way though. One less thing TikTok can bully me about.

We sat there for five more minutes. No speaking, just silence. Then a click. I immediately woke up to see Twitter opening the door.

"What are you two doing in my classroom?" Mr.Twitter's face was red. He looked angry and confused.

"We were setting up your beakers then we got locked in," YouTube explained as I stood brushing myself off.

"Nuh uh, I know kanoodlers when I see them!" Twitter shouted at us, pulling out a book of detention slips and a pen. At the word Kanoodle, I and YouTube looked at each other, biting back a laugh. It got too hard and we burst out in laughter.

"Are you laughing at me? That's it! a week of detention," he scribbled it on the sheets.

"You were the one that locked us in here!" I yelled back, getting angrier.

"Wanna go for two?" He started scratching out the one on the detention slips and writing twos. YouTube shook his head silently, looking afraid.

"We're sorry sir!" YouTube took our slips and walked out of the classroom pulling me with him. He avoided talking to Twitter any longer.

He handed me a slip and regarded me sarcastically, "Thanks."

I looked down at the slip with a messy two weeks written on it. What have I done?

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