Friendship Is...

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Ah sorry for taking so long with this update!! I got busy over the weekend and kept forgetting to post! Anywho this is basically just the Bakusquad Goes Shopping but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. The plan had been very, very, very, exceedingly, ridiculously simple; go to store, get pillows and blankets, go home. Easy! Would take an hour at most. His evening would then be free to research how to properly please and care for Omegas, what to expect during heats, and some light training. He could text Izuku periodically while doing all of this. A great Saturday evening.

"Just 'pillows and blankets'? You don't have anything more precise in mind? How do you know what to get?"

That had silenced the office. Denki, Eijiro, Katsuki, and Hanta all froze, gears cranking in their heads. Yes, of course it was that simple? Why did it need to be more complicated?

Well, it turned out it was a lot more complicated.

"You see, this material is necessary for nesting," Shoto explained as he placed a black wool blanket into the cart, "it holds warmth well so it's often used to create the 'roof' of a nest." He put a red one in next. "They don't always use them during the summer though. Oh, and you'll need lots of these," he pointed to the cotton and linen blankets, then at the fleece, "but not too much of that one yet. Some Omegas don't like the texture. You should ask Midoriya if he does. Oh, and one or two silk or satin sheets are good because they're so soft, but they aren't very good for building nests because they slip so much."

To be completely honest, Katsuki wasn't as annoyed as he thought he would be. This was actually kind of nice and very insightful. It had been a total shock to find out that Shoto, of all people, knew a lot about Omegas. His sister was one and he liked to help care for her. So, rather than go by himself, Katsuki ended up in a group of five in a specialty store that sold nesting and comfort items. It would have been incredibly overwhelming had Shoto not come and taken the lead on it.

They already had two carts full of sheets, blankets, and comforters, all black or red or orange. A third cart was used to start collecting pillows. His three idiot friends were being strangely quiet, likely just taking in all the information Shoto had to offer. Or maybe they were still in shock from it.

"The bigger the pillow, the better," Shoto explained, "I would get ones filled with either cotton or foam. No feathers. They can be prickly and Omegas in heat won't be able to tolerate it. Memory foam is also good but it can get very warm quickly so you should get other options too. The pillowcases should be cotton or linen as much as possible, but some silk or satin ones here and there are also fine."

Katsuki filled the third cart with his suggestions, keeping the color scheme in mind. "What about fluffy shit?"

"Mm," Shoto thought for a moment, "those are more of an accessory item than a necessity, but a good nest will have some fluffy pillows and blankets. They will need to be replaced often though because they can be unhygienic since they can't be washed easily. I would just get two or three for now."

Katsuki nodded, adding a few to the cart. It was full. "What else?"

"That's it from here, I think," Shoto said, taking one cart. "We could hit another store though. I mean, if you want to. I'm sure we can find materials with heroes on them, but not here."

Katsuki nodded. "Yeah, I'd like to get more. I need some shelving too, for his action figures. I was thinking about repainting the room too and I'd need to do that this weekend..."

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