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"Good to know that you still remember that you have a father." The deep voice of his father was heard as the scent of caviar surrounded them, announcing that the said alpha is near.

Jimin turned to him and smiled softly as he walked up to him and giving him a warm hug, wrapping his arms around his shoulders as he tiptoed to reach the taller figure.

The father wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer to the warm comfort to try and pleasure him with the soft pheromones a alpha would give their pup.

"Of course I still remember you, dad." Jimin mumbled with a soft smile that coused his eyes to go crescent. He had a serious topic to talk with his father and the chance for him to not agree with him is fifty-fifty. But jimin is sure that he'll at least hear him out because he does care about his son a little too much.

Having jimin protected was the first reason he married him off. The alpha wanted his son to be in save hands, which he thought would be someone's he knew and without noticing it he destroyed the life of the both. But jimin never blamed his father for it. He knew his father only wanted the best for him.

"So, any reason you visited or you just wanted to pay us oldies a visit?" He chuckled gesturing between him and the elder maid.

Liz walked away after they reached the living room to give the father and son privacy but not before asking jimin what he wanted to drink.

Getting a gesturing from his father towards the couch, jimin sat down silently crossing his legs on the knee and turned to his father. A nervous smile painted his face while his fingers were fighting each other demanding comfort.

The alpha saw that and chuckled remembering his late wife who had the same habit. She too would always play with her fingers when she was nervous or scared and the alpha loved that his omega son got the same habit. Reaching out he put his palm on top his much smaller hands and smiled at him brightly.

"Do you have something to tell me? You seen nervous." He asked carefully to not make him even more nervous.

"Well actually...yes. There's this topic I wanted to talk about with you." He looked down at his hands and smiled seeing his father's squeezing his.

"About me and jinyoung." He look up again to see his father looking as him with a smile signaling him to continue. "Dad, I know how much you want me to marry jinyoung. And I understand why. His father was a good man and your best friend. But...don't you think it's a bit too much to...force me to marry him?" Jimin asked, his tone going lower and lower.

He bit his cheek from the inside seeing his father's expression change, from the soft loving one to an angry one. He tried to manage not to show the anger but failed as jimin smelled his rutting scent.

"Jimin, I want you to be protected. You're such a beautiful omega. No one knows more than me how many alphas were after you. Bad alphas. Alphas who want you for your looks and body. I just want to protect my pup, just like your mother's wish." He sighed, squeezing his son's hand again.

Jimin smiled at the caring father again. He knows his dad never meant anything bad for him. After his mother's death his dad has been trying to protect him as much as he can. His son was most important for him.

"I know that, dad. But...Jinyoung isn't the kind of man you think he is. If we both mate, it'll ruin our life. We don't love each other. God, we don't even like each other." He looked down again with a sad smile. The father could clearly see how much of a fucked life he had given his son. "He doesn't care about me, dad. He doesn't want me. And it's same about me. I...I always dreamt about mating with someone who loves me. I want to fall in love. I want to get a proposal. I don't want to be with someone who-who takes the chance when I'm drunk and takes advantage of me."

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