Chapter 2

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"BLUESTAR!" Seedheart ran into Thunderclan. "BLUESTAR! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!"

"What is it?" asked Bluestar.

"Rainpaw..." Seedheart panted, "he's a...Twoleg..."

"Correction: was." Bluestar meowed. "He is a cat now, and he will be a Warrior as long as he is a cat."

"B-but..." Seedheart mewed, "a our..."

"You are to treat him as you would a normal Apprentice," said Bluestar. "Now shut up and train him. And bring him to tonight's Gathering." Seedheart nodded.


"Wake up, Rainpaw," said Seedheart. "We're going to the Gathering."

"The...Gathering?" asked Jack.

"We gather around a rock."

"Sounds pretty stupid."

"Shut your face and come."

Jack and Seedpaw followed the crowd of cats to the Gathering Stone. A tom stood on the stone. Jack noticed that he was completely black; black coat, black nose, black eyes.

"Fellow Warriors!" said the tom. "As leader of Shadowclan, I, Rebelstar, propose an idea; we attack the Twolegs!" Some Warriors gasped. Others cheered. Jack just stood in silence.

"Prepare yourselves!" Rebelstar shouted. "The Twolegs are crafty! They can destroy parts of your body! They can lure you into their homes with promise of 'love!' But know this: the Uprising must not fail! The Uprising shall not fail! The Uprising will not fail!" All the cats except Seedheart and Jack cheered.

"Don't. Say. Anything." Seedheart mewed quietly to Jack. "They don't need to know." Jack growled. Rebelstar looked straight at him, his piercing black eyes staring into his soul.

"Something to say, Apprentice?" Rebelstar hissed. Jack stood his ground. Rebelstar pounced. Jack tried his best to push Rebelstar off, but it was no use; the Shadowclan leader was too powerful. Bluestar pushed Rebelstar off of Jack.

"Save it for the Twolegs," Bluestar meowed at Rebelstar, then turned to face Jack. "Rainpaw, you and the other Apprentices will have to train harder."

"You mean you actually support this?!" Jack asked, surprised. Bluestar nodded.

"This is barbaric!" Jack shouted.

Rebelstar glared at him. "You had better keep your mouth shut, Kittypet."

"I. AM. NOT. A. KITTYPET!" Jack shouted, then pounced on Rebelstar again. Rebelstar growled and slashed at Jack's right eye. Jack covered his eye with his paw and walked slowly back to Seedheart. Seedheart put him on her back and left for Thunderclan.

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