The song started playing, as nuclear warheads launched. As they launched, they had a ripple effect, as the metal started swirling, like glitched code.
"Dun dun."
"Dun dun."
"Bangin Bangin at your door. The sun. Don't come around here, anymore. I touched a mine to see them flame. I thought they rose. My-I. This bleeding heart. That's in my hands. I. I fell apart. And I. I walk alone. Beside myself. Nowhere to go. This bleeding heart. That's in my hands. And I. I fell apart. Flesh and bone. This part of me. These seeds I've sewn."
"Dun dun."
"Dun dun."Clicking sound, like gears moving in very strict, dense motion. As atom bombs dropped from the skies, cities shriveled in ashes and flames. It sounded like, "Bow!"
Gears moving in very strict dense motion started spinning, as they stopped, making a loud click, right after the atom bombs mass their descent.
Nazi planes flew through the skies, as tiger tanks and Panzers trampled the lands.
The Canadian national flag was replaced by the star of David, and Nazi parliament. The planes shattered completely, as they bursted into flames, incinerating. A plane started spinning in a turbine swirl, but extremely fast. So fast, the metal actually started burning off. As the back part of the plane fell off, like it was nothing. The engines started crushing inward, as it crashed at fifteen hundred miles a second, nosediving into the earth. As it immediately disintegrated, nothing was left. The entire Omniverse shook, as it lifted up, up to space. Then, it all started to fall down. Hard. Everything was broken, plains were shattered, cement was brutally damaged, creating massive equators a thousand miles wide, and it wasn't just here. It was happening everywhere. Full scale extinction. As the next, "dun dun, bow! Dun dun. Bow! Dun dun.", Came. The sun started forming a crescent line, perfectly aligned with the solar systems, every angle pointed to the closest solar system, and there were quadrillions of these angles. It was like looking at the atomic structure of DNA. As the sun started throwing itself apart, then, collapsed itself inwards, then, forcing everything outward, halfway across the galaxy, the, collapsing inward, erasing everything in its path. As the sun did it once more, it started forming into an omega nova. A supernova inside a supernova with dimensions at risk of extinction. As the sun obliterated itself, over, and over, neverending the cycle. Until all is but gone.
The Writer.
HorrorI'm not usually ever comfortable with this. But an idea just popped up in my head. It wouldn't work without this. Everyone who reads my stories, The cover of this one will be my face. My very first reveal. So what the hell, right? For this time only...