lunars revenge

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(this might just be the longest chapter so far)

eclipse was slowly making his was through the ventilation system with sun not to far behind.

meanwhile lunar and moon made it into the daycare and were standing by the vent waiting. eclipse somehow didn't notice lunars shadow and jump out of the vent only to be met with a surprise.

lunar had tackled and pined eclipse to the ground. "where do you think your going?" lunar said, looking at eclipse.

sun realized what was happening to late and moon grabbed him by the neck, pulling him out of the vent.

"so what are you gonna do now?! torture us for your sick form of entertainment?" eclipse said sarcastically while struggling to get out of lunars grip.

"you dont know what I cant do to you eclipse. I simply want to get revenge for all that you did to me." lunar said grinning psychoticly.

eclipse being concerned by lunars words, started to struggle even more. meanwhile sun was fighting im moons hold struggling to breathe. sun finally got his legs free and kicked moon in the face causing moon to drop sun.

sun saw this opportunity to escape and ran out the daycare, not giving eclipse and lunar a glance.

moon got up holding his hand on his faceplate. sun had broken off a part of his faceplate causing oil to run down his face. moon was extremely pissed at sun after seeing the oil on his hand.

moon got up and was about to start chasing after sun but noticed lunar calling him over. moon huffed in annoyance "whatever ill get him later. and when I do ill make sure to rip him into pieces for that."

moon went over to lunar who was still pining eclipse to the floor. "what do you want lunar?" moon said, still very much upset. lunar notices a part of moons faceplate was gone but decided not to ask.

"well I was thinking it would be fun if we riped off eclipse's body parts. sense you have the chainsaw why dont you start?" lunar said, still grinning widely. once lunar said this eclipse became terrified but before he could scream lunar covered his mouth.

moon nodded, forgetting about his injuries. he got out the chainsaw "you should remove his legs first so he cant run" lunar suggested.

moon slowly started using the chainsaw to cut off eclipse's leg.  eclipse was unable to scream due to lunars hand still being over his mouth.

moon finished cutting out the first leg and moved to to the side. moon started to cut out the second leg while eclipse was in a lot of pain and had tears in his eyes.

lunar started to laugh and moon joined in. the two robots started to laugh uncontrollably and eclipse just staired at them unable to do anything but sit there in pain as he was being tortured.

lunar then fully riped out eclipse's remaining leg while smirking. he tossed it aside with the other leg. moon started to cut out his arm and was halfway through when suddenly a loud blaring sound started.

the sound caused moon to stop and both of them to grip at where their ears should be.

eclipse took this chance and used his arms to crawl over to a different vent. it hurt like hell but he was able to make it in before the two could notice. 

(I wonder what that sound came from 🤔 )

Reversed reality (evil moon and lunar au)Where stories live. Discover now