Demi POV

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Hi there my name is Demi... Demi is actually what my friends and family call me, my real name is Demetria.. Demetria Lowen. Everyone thinks and says that I have a good voice but I personally think my voice is 'ok'.. I mean it's not great but it's not terrible either.So let me tell you a little bit about myself... I'm a normal 20 year old girl who loves the outdoors most of the time. I love to go horse riding, motorbike riding, running, fishing and playing netball in my spare time. Oh did i mention that I am not like most girls?.... I hate the colour pink.. I hate shopping for clothes and can't stand shoe shopping. I mean yeah, I like to dress up every now and then but lets just say that I would rather be inside playing video games instead of painting my nails pink. My favourite colour is purple, I'm fare skinned, umm... I have long brown hair with blonde highlights, I have brown eyes and I'm somwhere near 5'7feet tall. I'm currently single. I live in Australia-Victoria in a small town in the country, 'Lima'. It's not a very big town so i kinda like that in a way but I hate having to travel 15-20 minutes just to get to a shop to buy the grocceries. but on the up side i can go horse riding, motorbike riding and al that whenever i want to though.. aha. My best friend and I are heading off to go to Melbourne today to go shopping 'YAY' note the sarcasm, it's Lilas' birthday and i said that i would take her shopping on her birthday.. so here i am. Her other friends, family and I are all planningg her a surprise party and thats another reason why i agreed to go shopping with her so that they could plan while she was out of the house. I love to party and that but i hate it when i sometimes drink to much..-_-.. Lila and I look similar in a way beacuse we both have brown eyes and hair and we're similar in hight, but in my opinion i think Lila is way hotter than me. But there is one difference in our personalities... she HATES, to get her hands dirty and she LOVES shopping and don't get me started on her love for that boy band....One Direction.

As we were driving down the free way the radio host announced,

"Well boys and girls it's time for us to go now but here is your number one....One way or another by One Direction!"

I almost crashed when Lila screamed at the top of her lungs. I told you she loves One Direction. And I'll admit, i like their songs but I'm not a 'Directioner' like Lila. If you had to ask me which one i thought was the hottest... I would definitely say the green eyed curly head boy and Lila would say the Blonde one with the bright blue eyes, I must admit they have pretty good voices and are pretty attractive.

As we drove we were belting out the lyrics to the song.

"ONE WAY OR ANOTHER I'M GONNA FIND YA IM GONNA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA ONE WAY OR ANOTHER I'M GONNA WIN YA, I'M GONNA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA," I stopped but Lila still continued. I started to yell the lyrics again near the end of the song, " I WANNA HOLD YOU, WANNA HOLD YOU TIGHT, I WANNA HOLD YOU, WANNA HOLD YOU TIGH, I WANNA HOLD YOU, WANNA HOLD YOU TIGHT, YEAH TEENAGE KICKS RIGHT THROUGH THE NIGHT," I quickly caught my breath again while I think it was Harry and Zayn were singing I sang the last few line again with Lila who still hadn't stopped once.

"WOW! I Love that song.... you know you should audition for the XFactor or something like that Dem.. your voice is amazing." She exclaimed with a smile spreading across her face.

"Yeah me too... and no way i wouldn't even stant a chance against anyone." i replied focusing back on the road.

We sat in silence for the rest of the way until we were about fifteen minutes out of Melbourne when Lila spoke,

"You know Demi your voice is amazing... everyone around says it all the time even if you don't think it is... you should audition for the Xfactor just for an opinion at least."

Alright fine..I'll thik about it ok?" i replied not looking at her, she stayed silent so i assumed that she was happy with herself fer getting me to consider auditioning.

I hated driving around Melbourne Especially this time of year when all the shops have their specials on.We arrived at the mall and headed straight for MEYER! As we walked from shop to shop my arms filled with more and more bags of clothes and shoes and other little things (mostly Lilas' bags). I sat down on a park bench while Lila looked at some more clothes... I pulled out my phone to check the time, when i seen it was nearly 5:30pm my mouth dropped we'd been shopping for over almost six and a half hours.

"Hey Lila? I think we should either hit the road now or go book into a motel because it's almost 5:30." I asked.

"Oh wow is it that time already?.....ummm...if it's alright with you could we just get a room for tonight and head back tomorrow?" Lila asked

Geeze I never thought that you think of me that way...aha sure which motel?" I joked

"Ooopsy did I let that slip out? you were never meant to no my desire for you....AHAHAHAHA! And i don't know preferably a cheap one what do you think babe?" She replied with a fake flirty wink.

"Sounds good to me babes." i replied with a wink aswell."AHA"

And with that we walked out of the mall and towards my car, once there we shoved all of the bags into the boot and backseet and drove off to find a cheap looking motel. It was around 6:00pm when we saw a cheap looking motel on Walker St.

"Umm.. excuse me?" I asked the bleach blonde female recepsionist

"How may I help you today?" She asked in a flat tone

"I was just wondering if you had any avaliable rooms?" I question further

"Uhhh...let me check...................................We have one room at the moment would you like to take it?"The snooty lady asked

"How much for one night?"

"How many people?"


"Well in that case it will be 80 dollars" I raised my eyebrows at her but didn't say anything and handed her the money anyway. She handed me the key and told me that is was on the second floor and the second door to the right.. I thanked her as we headed up to our room.

As I opened the door I felt ripped off..this room was not worth 80 dollars for one night but hey to late now.Since it was Lilas' birthday I let her the bed while I slept on the couch.. which was surprisingly comfy. I was soon engulfed into darkness.

I sat up quickly with my heart feeling like it was about to jump out of my chest as i head a really loud crash only to realise that was only thunder. I checked my phone see what the time was. Curse you thunder, you woke me up at 3:00 in the morning.I nocticed that I had a missed call at 9:30pm from my mum saying,

"Hey there Demi I hope you and Lila are alright! ummm guess I'll see you tomorrow when you get home. love ya heaps and drive safetly!"

Mum always worried about us to much, even though I'm sure that I will be the same when my children are my age someday when I become a mother.

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