Chapter 149-The Novels Extra

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The Novel's Extra

 Chapter 149. 3 Years (3)


C149. 3 Years (3)

Essence of the Strait’s dispatch mission team slowly entered the building used as a goblin settlement.

...Cough, cough.

The acrid fog inside the abandoned building made Rachel’s throat sting whenever she breathed. Without any other choice, Rachel covered her face with magic power.

“How long has this building been abandoned to be in such a poor state?”[1]

Yohei asked as he cut the fog apart with his katana. His archaic manner of speech was a bit annoying, but Rachel was wondering the same thing.

They were in Incheon, even if only its outskirt. With residential districts and shopping districts tightly packed only 2 km away, how could goblins have settled in this building?

“The settlement was reported two weeks ago. By the looks of it, someone’s been doing ‘goblin business’ here. Since the military is concentrated around the coastal area, it must have been easy for the culprit to avoid guilds’ eyes.”

Im Joongjin murmured with a low sigh. He didn’t seem happy with how things looked.

“...Goblin business?”

“Yeah. Goblins are specialized in crafting. If they’re managed properly, they can be used to obtain all sorts of items and materials. But by the looks of it...”

Im Joongjin pulled his hair back roughly and kicked a human corpse that was lying on the ground. Mushrooms and spores were already growing on the body.

“They must not have thought that goblins could trick them instead. What a bunch of fools.”

Rachel finally understood what happened.

The human corpses lying inside the building must have belonged to people who reared goblins but ended up being killed by them instead. There were many such instances recorded in Cube’s textbooks. As the saying went, human greed had no bounds.

—Air, here, bad.

At that moment, her elemental whispered. Rachel glanced at her shoulder. A winged, slime-like elemental was coughing.

—I want to leave.


After painstaking effort, Rachel finally learned to talk to elementals. Although she even gave a pretty name like ‘Sunday’ to this cute wind elemental, she had one complaint.

That was that Sunday talked in Korean. It didn’t make much sense to Rachel who was a native-English speaker.

“Hang in there.”

Rachel spoke in English.

—What, was, that?

However, the elemental couldn’t understand her. Was it because her master, Shin Yeohwa, was Korean?

“...Just hang in there.”

“According to the local patrol force, there are about 200~300 goblins in this building.”

Im Joongjin stopped in front of the abandoned building’s entrance and gave a quick briefing. A goblin settlement with a population of 200~300 was similar to the ones that naturally occurred in the wild.

The Novels Extra 92-153Where stories live. Discover now