Part Three

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I'm not dead, that's a plus. I should be thanking the stars above we had popcorn before bed last night, because otherwise, I'd be crushed between my best friend's giant molars. My position isn't much better than that. I'm covered in chewed fruit loop mush and saliva, and I'm huddled between her bottom molar and cheek, my only grip being a popcorn kernel stuck there from last night. 

I hear her crunching and slurping her cereal, followed by her gulping it down, and then the cycle repeats. Every time she swallows, a chill goes through me. 

That could have been me. The next one could very well be me. 

I stay like that, pathetically huddled between my friend's back teeth as she finishes her breakfast, reduced to a morsel of food stuck in her teeth. 

Finally, I hear plates clatter and feel her stand up as she goes to clear her spot. I debate letting go so I can try and escape her mouth, but I decide to wait until I'm sure it's safe- well, as safe as it can be- before making my move. Thank the stars I did, because right when I would have let go, a cold stream of milk fills her mouth for a second, taking everything with it as she gulps it back down. Well, almost everything. I'm still here, thankfully. It might be easier to just jump down her throat and die in her stomach than getting her attention, but I'm not giving up yet. 

I wait until it feels like she's sitting down, and then dash to her lips from on top of her teeth so that she doesn't feel me and mistake me for an insect. Her lips are parted slightly, which is kind of sexy when I'm at my normal size, but a huge relief right now. 

I once read that it's hard for small bugs to die from falling, and they rarely receive any injuries from it. There's not a lot of air resistance or something like that. Right now, I'm praying to anyone who can hear me for that to be true. I'm counting on it. I count down from three, and jump. 

The world rushes past me, and I'm free falling. It's terrifying and exciting at the same time- until I see where I'm headed. Then it's just terrifying, and slightly arousing. You see, the thing getting closer and closer to me as I fall is not the ground, and not her legs, it's her underwear, and it's not the fancy kind either. It's the kind you'd wear on your period, except, there's no pad, which means... fuck.

I land in her underwear, bouncing up for a split second before it's snapped back to her skin and I slide down to her privates. Before I can move, she pulls up what I can only presume are workout shorts, and I'm pinned in place by how tight they are. There is no way she's going to hear me down here. 

I'm wedged right under her vagina and shuffled around as she walks to her basement, where the treadmill resides. This is not going to be fun. 

It's dark and hard to see anything, but unfortunately for me, my other senses aren't as restricted. Everything around me is slimy and sweaty, and the smell is what you'd expect genitals to smell like: not great. I hear the whir of the treadmill beginning, and feel everything go into motion around me as Jodi starts exercising with me trapped in her, well, you know. 

The sweat builds up around me, and with the constant movement, I begin to slide. For a moment, I'm glad I'm not stuck right under her pussy, but then I realize where I'm headed. I hear her asshole puckering and if I don't act quick, I'm going to fall victim to it. 

"Jodi!" I cry. 

She's not going to hear you idiot. 

I have to get her to feel me, which means, I have to do what almost got me killed earlier. I have to make her horny. 

I use all of the strength I have to pull myself up to her clit, which is really challenging when the world around you is slimy and shifting constantly. I grab onto it and start rubbing it as hard as I can so she'll feel me. 

My heart stops as the treadmill turns off. I keep rubbing, and I think it's working. The world shifts as she starts to walk again, this time not on the treadmill, but I continue rubbing her glistening clitoris. 

The muffled ringing of a phone makes me hesitate. Who is she calling? I'm quick to start rubbing again because I feel one of her hands lightly press on her shorts, and I know that if I stop, she's gonna start, which wouldn't end well for me. 

"Hey, Zach," Jodi says, "We're having sex. Now." 


I hear Jodi giggling. "Yeah, I'm gonna warm myself up for you, so you better fucking perform.

Ew. Who says that? Straight people. I need to focus, I have bigger fish to fry. I'm not having an unintentional threesome with Zach. 

My heart stops as she hangs up the phone and sits down, pinning me to her clit. She peels off her shorts and underpants, as well as the rest of her clothes, and my heart stops as her slender fingers make their way directly towards me. 

Let me know what you want to see in further chapters or different stories, horny bastards. 

Thanks for supporting me! 

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