his girls.

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This morning i wake up and notice the space in our bed beside me is empty, and before i could question myself i hear the giggles of my daughter coming from downstairs.

turning onto my side i check the time on my phone, god i've slept longer than usual. hopping out of my bed i get goosebumps from the blankets no longer covering my legs, short shorts didn't help the situation.

my eyes wander to the end of our bed, where one of pablos hoodies lies, i pick it up and pull it over my head, and walk downstairs.

i follow the sound of laughter and get lead into our kitchen. i rest my head on the doorway and look at pablo and our daughter giggling. i see a fresh bouquet of tulips, my favourite, on our kitchen island.

pablo is holding our 1 year old daughter against his chest, while walking around getting her breakfast ready while singing some spanish song to her softly.

our daughter sees me out of the corner of her eye, "mamà! estás despierto!" the young girl calls.
"buenos días, mis amores". i say while walking over to my family. pablo turns at the sound of my voice and his expression softens as he leans in and gives me a soft kiss, which makes our daughter put her small delicate hands over her eyes. a giggle escapes my mouth at her actions.

"mamà! tenemos tus flores!" she says beaming.
my eyes look to where the tulips are, all of the most perfect shade of pink.

"thank you my loves, these are nearly as perfect as you."

our daughter reaches her small hands out in my direction, which makes me take her out of pablos arms. she cuddles her small head into my chest and takes a deep breath. i look up to where my husband is standing, looking at me and D/N with complete love in his eyes.

"hey handsome." i say to him. one of his hands now on my waist, and the other playing with my hair. "how'd you sleep mi amore?" he says while kissing my forehead.

"thank you for letting me sleep in, it was much needed." i said quietly playing with our daughters brunette curls. "anything for my wife." he replies.
"i love you pablito." i say trying to hide my now flushed cheeks. "i love you too."

"me too!" D/N shouts which makes pablo and i break out into a soft laugh.

"youre both my girls."

𝑃𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑜 𝐺𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑟𝑎 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠.❤️‍🔥Where stories live. Discover now