I Love You, But We Can Never Be Together - END

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A few days later I was told by the doctors that I would have to come with them for a more extreme level of testing. I was assured it was safe so I trusted them.

Upon arrival, I was stationed in front of a door and was soon pushed in. I immediately fell to the ground and began to throw up. I could hear other sounds so I looked up and saw Niki. He soon turned his head around as well and I looked around the room from blurred vision and saw doctors and scientists behind a glass watching us. Niki had lost consciousness. I crawled to him, worried and I lost conscience too.

I woke up in an all-white room and a doctor walked up to me and spoke
"We've finished running all tests and have come to a conclusion." he paused "Well what is it?" I responded, eager to know what was happening to me and Niki

"You and that boy are somehow linked and are suffering through something unknown that will kill you if you are in close proximity for too long"
I couldn't process what was happening or why I held back my tears and muttered "but I love him" before passing out, once again

It's been a few months now and I still love Niki. he's in a different class now, and ever since the change I've felt sick to the stomach. It's time I ended this. I wrote a note and during the break, I went to one of Niki's friends and asked them to give him the note.

I waited on the roof for him to come. He finally did and walked up to him holding back the urge to throw up tears began to flow out of my eyes I walked up to him until we were face to face. And we stayed that way for a little until I finally said

"For so long, I've wanted to be with you since the day we met but fate has worked against us. After this moment I fear we'll never be able to even stand six feet apart. My feelings for you are so much stronger than like, I love you, but we can never be together.

"I've loved you, since the day we met. Everything about you made me want to stay with you" he responded, tears streaming down his eyes.

We stayed in each other's embrace until I pulled away. Due to a growing feeling of nausea. I pressed my lips against his, exchanging all our emotions in our final moments together. Until we both felt numb and walked away. For the last time, in this life
Like a day after a wrote this I had a mini panic attack bc I thought my school board would be able to read the story lmao which they can but I don't really care now :)))) maybe they will bestow upon me a y/n moment

𝐂𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐚 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞Where stories live. Discover now