Chapter 1: The Way Things Once Were

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It was a beautiful day in Adventure Bay. But then, it always was, the small town had nearly perfect weather 24/7. The pups, as always, were outside enjoying the fresh air, Chase playing with Skye and Rocky and Marshall messing around with Zuma. Nothing unusual, or so it seemed. Rocky giggled playfully at Chase, who was it, running around a tree over and over again and losing Chase somehow. That should not have worked. He thought. Sometimes, I swear things here are just too fake. He quickly lost his train of thought when Chase surprised him, tagging him it and distracting him. Speaking if unreal, he thought,  3..2..1... his puptag went off with a familiar chirping sound.
"Ryder needs us!" The pups all said, and every single one if them ran for the lift simultaneously. Then, also, as always, Marshall, in his attempt to be first, managed to turn their neat line into a scattered pile.
"And Spared!" He joked. Everyone laughed. Rocky didn't actually think it was all that funny, but he laughed. That wasn't his best pun, but it's Marshall. Why wouldn't I laugh? At the top of the tower, the pups came face-to-face with their leader and owner, thirteen (I know he's cannonically ten. And I don't care, ten is too young for this story's purposes-kama) year old Ryder. He greeted them with the usual smile, but something was off. Rocky could tell, and he immediately felt his ears sink back.
"No time to make jokes today, pups. There's been an....accident at City Hall. "
"What kind of accident?" Rubble said, curiously.
Ryder looked down and swallowed. He was trying to think of a delicate way to break to his pups that Katy, the pups groomer and friend, would've done what she did. The entire City Hall, everyone in it...Mayor Goodway, the Secretary, Chickaletta... he cleared his throat.
"There's been a shooting..."


All of the vehicles came thundering down the street, no paw left behind as they pulled up to the unnatural deathly silence of the square. The bomb that had blown after Katy fired had turned the City Hall, the office next to it, and nearby Mr. Jugen's house to piles of scorched rubble.
"Okay pups," Ryder commanded, " noses to the ground. Look for survivors. Marshall!"
The EMT dally looked over.
"If there are survivors, prepare to treat wounds and shock." He nodded.

After seven hours, they had found a severely wounded but still alive Mayor Goodway, as well as Katy and Mr. Porter's bodies. Rocky blinked several times, hard, trying to keep the tears away. How did thus happen? How could it happen? He heard his thoughts quietly mumbled aloud by Ryder. "Why didn't I see she needed help. Why didn't I see?!" Ryder groaned out.
Rocky walked over to where his owner was sitting and put his head on his lap.
"It's gonna be okay, Ryder, I promise " Rocky said, trying his best to be reassuring. Even as he said it, he heard how hollow it was, how much of a lie it was. It wouldn't be fine. It couldn't be.
And it wasn't. It never was the same again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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