Goodbye Symbol of Peace

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Yagi Toshinari POV:
    Yagi's footsteps was the only thing he could hear as he walked home. He had to stay late to help Mirio train with one for all so it was almost dark when he left UA.
     He lets out a shaky breath unable to get rid of the feeling of someone watching him. He looks around and his brows furrow.
     Sighing he turns back and just decides to speed up on his way home. It would be much easier if he could just 'buff up' but he had already met his limit having run into a few problems earlier in the day.
     Yagi sees his house coming up and goes faster. He reaches the door and hurrily unlockes it. Yagi goes in and closes the door with a little more force than needed. He locks the door and goes to check all the windows.
     This wasn't the first time this happened, for the past couple weeks he felt as though someone was watching him but shrugged it off as reporters. He doesn't think thats the case any more though.
      A knock at the door jolts him from his thoughts. He hesistates before moving to the door.
      "Who is it?" He waits with a bated breath for an awnser but is only met with silence.
       Yagi unlocks the door and opens it slowly, he sees a kid there and is taken aback. He atleast thinks its a kid, hes short with a dark hood hiding everything but toxic green eyes.
        "Uh, hello there?" The kid doesnt respond and just stares at Yagi. His eyes seem dead and although he looks harmless Yagi's brain is screaming danger.
        "Did you need something?" The kid nods, finally a response thank kami. "What did you need?" The kids face slowly breaks into a off putting grin.
        "What I need is very simple All Might," His voice is distorted but he sound young. Yagi steps back suprised, his hand moving to his pocket to send a sos signal to the UA staff. "I want your life." With that the kid brings a gun up and points it at Yagi.
         Yagi turns into his buff form ready to quickly take the kid down.
         "Ah,ah,ah I wouldn't do that you see," The kid brings a small button out of his pocket and presses it down. "I have multiple buildings set to explode the minute I let go of this so heres whats gonna happen, Your going to go back to you skinny form and your going to let me in."
          Yagi hesitates looking at the gun and than the button before going back to his skin and bones apperance with a wet cough. He steps back letting the villain in who just grins sickly and walking past.
          "Who are you?" Yagi mentally curses himself for the slight tremor in his voice.
          The boy frowns some before responding, "You don't remember me?" That throws Yagi for a loop, was this a villain he had already fought? If that was the case than he would still be in jail.
          "No I don't." The villain scowls.
          "Im the boy you had told couldn't be a hero, rather hypocritical don't you think?" Yagi's eyes widen in suprise, guilt flashing through his gaze. The villain chuckles, "You would think that since you used to be quirkless you would understand right? I suppose not." The boy seems to have forgotten that Yagi was here while he spoke. "I mean of all the heroes who could have told me to give up you wouldn't expect the symbol of peace the number one hero to shoot down a kids dream and than leave him on a roof with no way down!" The villains tone rose to a shout at the end as he glared daggers at Yagi.
          The villain took a deep breath to calm himself, a cold smile taking over his face. "But enough about that lets get back to why I am here." The boy points the gun back at Yagi.
          "You don't want to do this, I've already sent for backup you might as well just give up." Yagi tries to speak calmly but anger still slips into his tone. How stupid could he be to let this happen.
          "Oh that won't be a problem you'll be dead before they stop me-" the door swings open cutting the boy off.
         "Put the gun down!" Aizawa shouts eyes red and hair floating.
         The boy gives a sick grin and the gun goes off.
          Pain flares through Yagi as he stumbles and falls.
           Everthing becomes blurry but he sees the villain rush past him to the window.
          "Say goodbye to your symbol of peace." Bang. Black thats all Yagi sees.
          The pain is gone but so is all sounds and light. Is this death? Maybe. Hopefully Mirio will be able to carry on as the next symbol of peace. If only he could go back and make sure this never happened.

Thanks for reading this! Feel free to correct any spelling or grammer mistakes. Or leave any suggestions you have too! Thank you guys so much really. Love you all BYEEE!!!

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