let's be friends, i'm dying to see how this one ends

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i gotta start working on this fic again oh my god

Kate and Yelena are waiting for their food to be delivered when Yelena's phone starts buzzing.

She picks up the call and immediately says something that sounds like a complaint, but Kate can't tell because the blonde is speaking Russian.

Kate's never been great with languages, if she's being honest. Her mother taught her French when she was little (apparently her parents went so far as to speak only one language each with her until she was maybe six years old), but she's lost a lot of it since her mom's death and the lack of use.

She never picked up languages after that, even in SHIELD, mainly because her work was so localized up until the whole Yelena thing. The issue was, after discovering that the Russian alphabet has 29 letters and that some of them look like the Latin alphabet but have no actual connection to them, Kate gave up. She didn't care that much and Clint made it pretty far without ever having to learn.

"Oh, fine, English, then," Yelena blurts out, "Seriously, it's embarrassing that you don't know how to hold a basic conversation. Born and raised in Russia and for what?"

Kate stiffens, not having expected that. Who the hell is Yelena talking to? Her boss? A friend?

"No, I'm not busy, I'm just waiting for food to get here. I have a friend over, we ordered burgers," Yelena says, throwing her head back a little and then fixing her gaze on Kate.

Their eyes meet for a second before Yelena looks away, some kind of sheepish look on her face.

"Sestra, do you need something? Why are you calling?" Yelena's voice is a bit more hushed now, and Kate finds herself using her smidge of Russian knowledge to remind herself that sestra means sister.

Is this actually her sister on the other line? Sister can be a colloquial term. Bro is, there's no reason why sister isn't.

Kate fixes her gaze on the TV, trying to not eavesdrop any more than she already has, especially now that she's been caught. She even slides her phone out of her pocket and checks through her notifications, seeing a couple of random things from random people and some social media.

She sighs and turns her phone off again, leaning her head against the back of the couch instead and pulling her legs up to her chest.

Yelena drawling on a "Kate Bishop" brings Kate back to the situation at hand, and she looks over at Yelena, who's no longer on the phone. "Do you want something to drink?"

"No, I'm good, thanks," Kate responds, trying to focus back on the TV. There are too many thoughts swirling around in her brain right now for her to think about Yelena.

She especially can't stop thinking about the fact that Natasha wants to talk to her. What information is she going to give Kate that Kate can't find herself? And why is Clint so insistent on telling her that Yelena's not who she thinks she is even though Kate knows that already?

Kate would like to think that she's pretty well-versed in Yelena at this point. She's seen what Yelena's like behind closed doors and while she didn't expect her to be such a "nice" person, there's little to complain about when you're getting free burgers.

That's such a lie - there's so much to complain about. Yelena could be manipulating her, Yelena probably is manipulating her, Yelena broke into her apartment to make mac and cheese and while Kate is pretty sure that none of her stuff was touched, she trusts that Yelena would be good at covering her tracks so trying to find something otherwise is pretty much pointless.

But Yelena does seem genuine. That's the hard part - she made this deal with Kate that if they wait for the movie to be over, she'll give Kate all of the information that she needs. It seems too easy, but Kate's seen how much Yelena cares about her work in acting. She talks to everyone on set at length if they let her, she's educated Kate about all of the mechanics of working the set in their downtime, and not to mention, she's phenomenal. Why should Kate sit here and doubt her when it's clear that she doesn't funnel all of her free time into the spy side like Kate does?

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