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a/n: so you know those moments in tv shows and movies where she enters the room and the guy sees her and he just looks at her with incomplete admiration because he's in awe and disbelief because she's his? Yeah, that's what this is. You're welcome :)

Tony paced the room impatiently, glancing at his watch every few seconds. y/n was running late, as usual, and they were already behind schedule for the charity gala they were supposed to attend. He sighed and turned to her. She was still busy putting the finishing touches on her makeup.

"You know, we're going to be fashionably late if you keep taking your sweet time," Tony commented.

Y/n chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, please. We both know you'll find a way to make a grand entrance, even if I'm not there to accompany you."

He couldn't help but smile at her teasing remark. She always knew how to push his buttons.

"True, but it's not the same without you by my side. Hurry up, love. I'll meet you there."

He gave her a quick kiss and reminded her, "You'll always be beautiful no matter what." Then he grabbed the car keys and made his way to the gala.

As Tony entered the event, he was greeted with curious looks and snide comments from some of the attendees.

Rhodey was first: "Aww, Tones, did your wife finally get tired of you? Divorce papers filed already?"

"Not yet. Turns out I'm more charming than you give me credit for," Tony responded with a wink.

And then Happy joined in too: "Flying solo tonight? I thought you were inseparable."

"Temporary separation. You know how it goes. She'll be here soon, and then you'll all regret underestimating the power of love."

He tried to maintain his confident demeanor, but inside, he was growing anxious. He found himself constantly glancing towards the entrance, anticipating y/n's arrival.

And then, amidst the chatter and whispers, Tony's gaze was drawn to the entrance.

His breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of y/n making her grand entrance. She was a vision, a force to be reckoned with.

Y/n gracefully removed her jacket, revealing a navy blue mermaid-style dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. The red garnet droplet earrings and matching necklace adorned her, adding a touch of elegance and vibrancy to her ensemble.

As a waiter took her jacket, y/n's eyes scanned the room until they locked with Tony's. She couldn't help but smirk at the expression on his face, a mixture of awe and love.

She knew the effect she had on him, and she reveled in it.

Closing the distance between them, y/n playfully teased Tony for his speechlessness. She effortlessly swiped the glass of champagne from his hand, taking a sip with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Tony could only stutter in response, his thoughts scattered by her breathtaking presence.

"Cat got your tongue?" Tony managed to gather his wits, his eyes never leaving hers, and delivered a heartfelt compliment that left her speechless.

"You... You look absolutely stunning tonight. Beautiful doesn't even begin to get close... your beauty outshines the stars themselves tonight."

And for a rare moment, y/n was left without words. She looked at him, her heart swelling with love for the man before her.

"I told you you'd look as beautiful as you always have," he added. A soft smile graced her lips, and she leaned in to whisper, "I love you, Tony."

Tony replied, his voice filled with adoration, "And I love you too, y/n. I can't believe that the most beautiful woman in this room is mine." y/n's smile grew wider, and she leaned in to kiss him softly, savoring the moment they shared.

"And I will always be," she reminded him.

Their tender moment was interrupted by Nat, who approached them with a knowing smile.

"Am I interrupting something here?"

"Yes, and it's actually something incredibly important, so if you wouldn't mind" Tony responded just as y/n was about to respond to her.

Y/n laughed in response to his typical antics, and pulled away from him, though her hand remained in his.

"Not really, just a moment between two people madly in love. You know how it is."

Natasha winked and joined their little circle, ready to enjoy the evening together, knowing that Tony and y/n's love was a force to be reckoned with, capable of lighting up any room they entered.

Tony Stark x reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now