The Poisoned River

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Leo and his companions had been travelling for days and were nearing the end of their journey, but their path was blocked by a treacherous river. The water was murky and the riverbanks were covered in thick vines and dangerous thorns. Leo knew that he had to cross the river, but he was also aware that it was filled with venomous creatures like snakes, scorpions, and spiders.

Leo gathered his companions and said, "We have to cross this river, but we must be careful. The creatures in this river are deadly and will not hesitate to attack us. So, we must be on guard and stay together."

The companions looked worriedly at the river and shivered at the thought of being bitten by venomous creatures.

Leo said, "We will use our weapons to clear the path. I will go first, followed by Tom and Jane. We will take turns clearing the way while the others cover us."

They all nodded in agreement and prepared to cross the river.

Leo stepped into the water and immediately felt something slithering around his leg. It was a snake, and Leo quickly drew his sword and killed it. He looked back and saw his companions covering him with their weapons.

They continued to cross the river, encountering scorpions and spiders along the way. It was a dangerous mission, but the companions were determined to reach their destination.

Suddenly, they heard a loud hissing sound coming from the water. It was a group of giant snakes that had caught their scent. The companions were outnumbered, and the snakes were moving in fast.

Leo said, "We must fight with all our might."

They fought fiercely, hacking at the giant snakes with their weapons. Tom got bitten by a snake, but Jane was quick to extract the venom from his wound. They continued to fight, and after what felt like hours, the snakes retreated.

Finally, they reached the other side of the river. They looked back at the poisonous river and sighed with relief that they had made it across alive.

Leo said, "We were lucky to escape with our lives. But we must not forget about the dangers that lie ahead of us. We must be careful and stay alert at all times."

The companions nodded in agreement. They had encountered many dangers on their journey, but they knew that they had to continue on their path to fulfill their mission.

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