ˏˋ13*➷ 𝐈𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐬

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╰┈➤ ❝ [ Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke]

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╰┈➤ ❝ [ Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke]

IT WAS STRANGE REALLY, for someone who had been physically assaulted by her mother just the day before Kim Ji-an was doing pretty well. At least that's what she liked to make herself think. It was the first time something like that had happened and Kim Ji-an preferred to act as if nothing had occurred in the first place. The girl had woken up, taken a shower, tried making her uniform look as cute as possible, curled her hair, and lastly she covered the ugly red mark on her cheeks with makeup. She looked gorgeous and collected on the outside but in the inside all that was left was a broken girl attempting to live up to people's standards.

She did not bother on eating breakfast or acknowledging Chin Sun's presence as she just ran out the front door before anyone could stop her. A good advantage of waking up early was that she had enough time to stop by her favorite coffee shop and buy her oh-so-loved iced coffee.

Now, she found herself walking outside the school grounds as she happily took a sip of her beverage. Though her peace didn't last long as the familiar yet annoying sound of Seo-jun's motorcycle filled her ears. She turned her head to see Han Seo-jun parking his motorcycle and quickly she took out her phone, snapping a few pictures of him as he got out of the vehicle. Of course she wasn't going to rat him out to his mother even if she had promised the woman she would—not after what Seo-jun had revealed. He had finally opened up to her a little bit and Ji-an wasn't about to ruin the small progress they had made.

Still Han Seo-jun didn't know that so once he noticed she was taking pictures of him, he narrowed his eyes and marched towards her. "What do you think you're doing?"

Lowering her phone Kim Ji-an smiled, she ignored the pain that shot through her cheeks and shrugged. "Just taking a few pictures and before you start yelling at me, I won't show them to your mother."

A scoff left Seo-jun's mouth as he looked away momentarily. "Really, then why were you taking them?" He looked at her and smirked leaning in closer. The girl was wearing heels so that saved him from having to lower his neck too much. "Were you in need of pictures of me to use as your phone wallpaper? Because if that's the case, you could've just asked."

Ji-an's eyes widened. "That's actually not a bad idea." She grabbed her phone and quickly looked for the best looking picture of the couple she took before putting it as her lock screen. "Here you go." She showed him the phone screen and Seo-jun's eyes budged at the sight.

"I was joking you know that right?"

The girl nodded putting her phone back in her pocket. "I do, but if we want this whole thing to work we gotta put our all into it."

Han Seo-jun hummed knowing she was right and grabbed his phone, going into his gallery before chuckling at something he saw. Noticing Ji-an's curious gaze he turned the phone towards her. "Should I make this my new lock screen then?"

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