You're Beautiful

22 1 1

Atsumu is 17
Oikawa is 19
Suna+Akaashi is 16
Iwa is 20
Bokuto is 18
Sakusa is 18

Atsumu's calander:
January - Suvdal
February - Juvdal
March - Puvdal
April - Buvdal
May - Setmuv
June - Fetmuv
July - Getmuv
August - Petmuv
September- Colsen
October - Dolsen
November - Aolsen
December - Volsen

Buvdal (April) 15th, 1464, Vrasteovell Kingdom

Atsumu was sleeping in his soft bed when his three ladies in waiting walked through his door, (loudly might he add) and one started pulling the sheets off of Atsumu while the others pulled Atsumu up and stripped him of his clothes to get him dressed for the day. What was today? Atsumu just groaned and complained as they got him ready, "Be careful with my nightgown Tooru my grandmother made it for me"

"I'm sorry Atsu! But your mother needs you ready and fast!" Tooru exclaimed

"He's right Tooru you other slept" Suna said as he was grabbing clothes from Atsumu's closet for him to wear, "More like you both let him sleep longer than he should have" Akaashi made Atsumu's bed and went over to Atsumu's vanity and got his makeup ready.

"Don't go blaming me for letting him sleep in! I was busy!" Suna said a little too loudly, "By busy you mean breaking one of the rules of courting and sucking face with Prince Osamu?" Tooru asked as he finally was able to get the nightgown off without messing it up, folding it and putting it in a basket so it can be washed for later.

"Suna! You can't do that!"

"Not everyone is a modest rule follower like you Akaashi" Even though their drama was entertaining he wished they would just shut up for 5 minutes. "Both of you stop shouting before someone hears you"
"Butt out Tooru, you're not in the courting stage anymore, you and the general have the most perfect relationship its disgusting"

"Well Suna they've known each other since they were 6 and Hajime asked to court Tooru when they were 12, married at 17, first kid at 18, by the way how is Tobio?" Atsumu still can't believe that it's okay to court and marry that young, if it were up to him he wouldn't get married until he was at least 25, but here he is 6 months away from his 18th birthday and getting married soon, wait. Atsumu's getting married soon, in less than 3 months to be exact. That's what they were doing today, that's why he's getting ready like it's for something important, it's because it IS important.

Prince Sakusa Kiyoomi was on his way to HIS kingdom for a rehearsal, it was a ceremony rehearsal but still very important. Atsumu was freaking out now, he wasn't ready to see Sakusa again, he wasn't a bad guy or anything, but whenever he even thinks about Sakusa his stomach gets all twisted up and his palms get sweaty and his stupid reproduction organ won't calm down!

"Oh! He's perfect! He's such a good boy and he always listens to everything I say. Although I am glad I stopped breast feeding him because he was a little bit of a biter.."

"That's not what Hajime told Ko-Bokuto-san" Tooru stopped what he was doing with Atsumu's outfit and stared at Akaashi for a few minutes before responding and getting back to what he was doing, "What do you mean? What did he tell him?" Akaashi looked up from where he was going through Atsumu's jewelry box to find his mothers hand me down earrings and stares at Tooru, "Well Hajime told Bokuto-san that Tobio doesn't listen, he defies everything he tells him to do, makes messes, and pulls at his hair"

Tooru gave a face of confusion, "That doesn't sound like my good little boy at all" Suna came back over with a variety of face veils for Atsumu to choose from, "Well maybe he's a momma's boy and doesn't want his mom to see how he acts with his father" Suna held up the veils for Atsumu to choose, they were all pretty he didn't know what to choose.

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