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"Your Annabeth James, correct?" Miss Pauline asked.

"Yes ma'am" I felt nervous- like I couldn't breath

"Annabeth, what weapons are you good with, I heard you like to train with weapons" she smiled

"Spears and daggers" I said. My arms felt heavy, like I was carrying rocks.

"Lovely. How old are you and what would you like to be called, like for a merc name?" She grabbed a pen and got ready to write something down

"I'm 23." I stuttered as I thought of a merc name but it snapped at me "Needles"

"Oh, I think this will suit you. Well, Needles, we have your sleeping quarters set up and we would like to introduce you to the rest of your team" she stood up and walked towards the door "Follow me please" she opened the door and waited for me

I stood up and followed her outside and into another building

NeedlesWhere stories live. Discover now