Give her a chance

10 1 0

  I stayed silent, not knowing if they would like me. What if I'm to weak? What if I'm to slow? What if they don't like me? I had so many concerns that I didn't even see where I was walking and I ran into Medic. "Shit." I look up to see who I ran into "Sorry! I didn't see you-" I apoligized

  "Its alright, who are you? If I may ask?" He fixes his glasses and looks at me

 "Ah, great! Your talking to the other mercs already" Miss Pauling smiled. "Medic, this is Needles. Shes the 10th class"

  "Vas!? I- ahem. Miss Pauling, may I have a word vis you?" He steps aside with Miss Pauling, "Miss Pauling, we cannot just bring children here, it iz vay to dangerous for herr!"  

  "I know, but I think she can do it, give her a chance!" Miss Pauling said. I could hear them talking about me.

  "sigh I will get zhe team and ve vill all decided, ja?" He rubs the sides of his face. Miss Pauling nods as Medic walks off and into the RED BREAD base.

  "I don't think they're going to like me-" I say, my Greek accent slightly stronger than normal

 "Sniper and you will get along, I know that much" She was about to continue but I cut her off

 "Wait... did you say Sniper-? Is his name possibly Mick Mundy...?" I asked, my eyes going wide

 "Uh... yes- how did you know..?" Miss Pauling asked, her eyes filled with curiosity

 "If its the Mundy I know, then I'll be ok" I take a breath, feeling relived to know that a familiar face might be here.

  Soon Medic comes back with the team and the moment I scan my eyes over them I saw Sniper and he saw me.

  "Annabeth?!" Sniper says in shock and walks up to me

  "Hey, Mundy!" I smile, feeling less stressed out now that I know that one of my best friends are here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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