Background Information

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Okay. So here's a little of background information so you won't be confused at the beginning of the story :) And also, so I don't have to give you too much information at the beginning and your mind just overloads and that's no fun. ;) So...

Erika Hunter is a 19-year-old girl from the outskirts of Toronto, Ontario. She is done school, but still lives at home with her mom. Her dad died in a car accident a couple years ago. She has no other brothers and sister, so she and her mom are really close.

For a living, her mom and her run a Bed & Breakfast in their big house called "Maple Bed and Breakfast." It's a pretty good living; they don't make a million, but they get enough to live happily.

Erika is what you would call a quiet girl. She is not exactly an introvert, but she tends to be laid back and not as crazy as some of her friends. She tends to find it hard to connect with people. She is a little touchy when it comes to talking about her dad. She still hasn't quite gotten over the loss.

Maybe Zayn is exactly what she needs :)

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