The Beginning

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After a long day at work SpongeBob walked home, tomorrow might be the day he turns in his two weeks notice, after years of mentally draining work, he finally had enough. So, the next day he talked to his boss about the work that is mentally draining, and that he can not continue to live his life like this. Mister Crabs then says "Well my boy you sure where a fine worker and honestly I don't understand why you would wanna quit." Spongebob eyes began to fill with tears as he hesitates to say what he thinks, "W-well, why do you have to be so damn self-fish, you and your damn customers! They only care if the foods good, a-and YOU JUST CARE FOR MONEY!!!" Mister Crabs now overflowing with anger proceeded to say" FINE BUT REALIZE YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO GET ANOTHER JOB, YOU FREAK!!!!" He then screams at Spongebob to go pack his shit and get out. As SpongeBob walks out, tears falling from his eyes realizes that Mister Crabs has no employees. Besides himself and Squidward so Mister Crabs would be begging for SpongeBob back soon enough. So that day as Spongebob leaves he goes home and finds jarry on the couch asleep as he though..... So SpongeBob sits down with him watching television but the realized "well Garry if he asleep when I get home me gets up".. But when he shakes Garry he doesn't seem to wake with SpongeBob screaming "WAKE UP PLEASE" AS HE FEELS WARM TEARS ROLLING DOWN HIS EYES


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