Chapter Fourteen - Punishment

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Mui pov

Huh..? Misaki texted me..?

"Meet me in the art room tomorrow at lunch. I need to talk to you"

My heart slightly sank.. What.. Why..? Did he know about me seeing genya?!

He better not have.. Oh god.. I know what hell do.. And I don't want it to happen..

I slightly held my hair, running my fingers through it.. He was joking.. Right..?! He.. He won't actually cut my hair.. No.. He wouldn't joke about that.. He's serious..

Fuck.. No I'm sure it's okay, he might just.. He might just be asking me something- he might just- he..

He will cut it..

Just don't think about that, mui. You'll only scare yourself, he might just be reminding me not to go near genya, there's no way he's found out I saw him.. Right..?

No, just.. Calm down,

Nothing will happen, calm yourself mui..

But it was so hard.. Why couldn't I get that out of my head..?

It's okay, just.. Take a breath.

I looked back at the message

"Alright.. Why..?"

I waited for a second before I saw the icon come up, to show he's seen the message.

"None of your business currently, you'll find out, and stop using those stupid ass '...'s to try make me feel sympathy for you"

I sighed, before turning off my phone and laying back on my bed

I closed my eyes, thinking to myself for a bit.. Before I drifted off to sleep


I woke up to my phone buzzing..

"Fucking stupid alarm.. Go away.." I spoke, switching the dismiss and snooze at the same time, hoping it'd do something

And it did, it went on snooze.

I layed there, trying to untangle myself from my hair that was wrapping around me like vines, it was stuck in my mouth too- what a mess..

I felt really droopy.. Sleepy- I mean.. It was pretty late when I slept last night..

~ This part of the chapter is by MistHashiraMui the rest of the chapter is by Muichiro0san ~

Once I untagged myself I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning right after. I already knew this was going to be a shitty day, I felt horrible, everything just seemed to be going wrong even though I just woke up.

Suddenly, I hear my phone buzz again. I expected another text from Misaki but no.. it was from Genya.

"Good morning :) I heard y'all have a test from math soon and I thought that maybe I can give you a quick tutoring lesson just like before, we both know that you suck at math"

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